Fwd: Bringing Our Troops Home

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Tamaki Hosoe

May 28, 2014, 8:29:48 PM5/28/14
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Bringing Our Troops Home
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 17:36:46 -0600
From: The White House

The White House Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bringing Our Troops Home

When President Obama took office, nearly 180,000 troops were serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. But by the end of this year, there will be fewer than 10,000.

The President is keeping his promise: bringing our troops home, and bringing the war in Afghanistan to a responsible close.

See this infographic to find out how President Obama is keeping his promise and bringing our troops home.

Infographic: See how President Obama is keeping his promise.

P.S. -- This morning, President Obama spoke to West Point cadets at their commencement. It's a powerful tribute to the men and women of our armed forces, and a vision for how the United States of America should lead in the years to come. Watch it here.

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Letter from Einstein to Freud
To Sigmund Freud
A private letter written around 1931 or the beginning of 1932.

Dear Professor Freud:

 ... (skipped)
  The political leaders or governments owe their position partly to force and partly to popular election. They can not be regarded as representative of the best elements, morally or intellectually, in their respective nations. (Einstein must mean "political leaders" by national leaders.) The intellectual elite have no direct influence on the history of nations in these days; their lack of cohesion prevents them taking a direct part in the solution of contemporary problems. Don't you think that a change might be brought about in this respect by a free association of people whose previous achievements and actions constitute a guarantee of their ability and purity of aim? This association of an intellectual nature, whose members would need to keep in touch with each other by a constant interchange of opinions, might, by defining its attitude by the Press  -- responsibility always resting with the signatories on any given occasion -- acquire a considerable and salutary moral inf
luence over the settlement of political questions. (...skipped) But should not an effort in this direction be risked in spite of this? I look upon such an attempt as nothing less than an IMPERATIVE DUTY.

  If an intellectual association of standing, such as I have described, could be formed, it would also have to make a consistent effort to mobilize the religious organizations for the fight against war. It would give countenance to many whose good intentions are paralyzed totally by a melancholy resignation. Finally, I believe that an association formed of persons such as I have described, each highly esteemed in his own line, would be well suited to give valuable moral support to those elements in the League of Nations which are really working toward the great objective for which that institution exists.

  I had rather put these proposals to you than to anyone else in the world, because you, least of all men, are the dupe of your desires and because your critical judgment is supported by a most grave sense of responsibility.

Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein, p. 104. 1954. ISBN 0-517-55601-4
Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan
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