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Tamaki Hosoe

Aug 1, 2013, 6:57:56 AM8/1/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com
先般の橋の下の「従軍慰安婦は必要だった」強弁といい、今回ののんべの麻生といい、撤回 したとはいえ、実力者は何を言っても良いのか?失言というものは、「とうとう馬脚を現した」と言うものだ。

麻 生副総理:「ナチスに学べ」発言を撤回 「誤解招いた」

毎日新聞 2013年08月01日 12時04分(最終更新 08月01日 13時12分)

 麻生太郎副総理兼財務相は1日午前、憲法改正に関して戦前ドイツのナチス政権を引き合いに「あの手口を学んだらどうかね」などと発言したことにつ いて「例示が誤解を招く結果となったので撤回する」とのコメントを発表した。

 ナチス政権を肯定する発言と受け取られ、米国のユダヤ系人権団体が抗議声明を発表したほか、中国外務省や韓国外務省も声明などでこの発言を批判。 国際的な批判が高まり、放置しておけば安倍政権へのダメージとなりかねないため、発言撤回に追い込まれたものとみられる。

 麻生氏は先月29日に東京都内で講演し、憲法改正について、静かな環境で進めるべきだとの主張の中で「ドイツのワイマール憲法はいつの間にかナチ ス憲法に変わっていた。誰も気が付かなかった。あの手口に学んだらどうかね」と発言していた。

すべて 読む

<韓 国が批判>麻生氏「独ワイマール改憲に学べ」発言
<米 のユダヤ系人権団体が抗議>麻生氏講演
<ナ チス発言に>麻生副総理:「国際的怒りを買った」と独紙

Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan

Tamaki Hosoe

Aug 1, 2013, 7:17:16 AM8/1/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com

Aso’s Nazi-inspired quip rubs Seoul the wrong way

by Reiji Yoshida Staff Writer

Outspoken Finance Minister Taro Aso has caused another international stir by urging Japanese politicians bent on revising the Constitution to learn from the way Germany under the Nazis amended the Weimar charter.

Aso’s remark drew criticism from South Korea.

But Aso’s remark, reportedly made Monday in a speech in Tokyo, sounded ambiguous and may simply have been just more sarcasm over Japanese rushing to amend the Constitution.

“The purpose of constitutional revision should be the stabilization and peace of the state. Constitutional revision is a just means” for that goal, Aso said, according to Kyodo News and other media reports.

“I don’t want (people) to make a decision in an uproar. . . . The Constitution should be revised based on public opinions that carefully examined the situation,” Aso reportedly said. “I don’t want (people) to discuss revising the Constitution in a frenzy.”

Then Aso mentioned how the Nazis effectively abolished the 1919 German Constitution.

“(The Nazis) did it in a ‘let’s-keep-it-quiet’ manner, and the Weimar Constitution was changed almost before people realized it. Why don’t we learn from that method?” Aso said.

Read whole story courtesy of The Japan Times

Tamaki Hosoe

Aug 1, 2013, 10:35:23 PM8/1/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com
by Reiji Yoshida Staff Writer

After facing criticism both at home and abroad, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso on Thursday retracted his remark suggesting Japan should learn from the Nazis when it comes to revising the Constitution, saying it has led to a “misunderstanding.”

“It’s very regrettable that my remark on the Nazi administration caused misunderstanding,” Aso told reporters.

He said it was inappropriate to cite the Nazis’ techniques as an example and that he was retracting the remark.

... (eclipse)

Aso stressed that in the speech in which he made the Nazi reference he also drove home the point that any debate on revising the Constitution should be held in a quiet environment.

Aso was quoted as saying Monday during the speech in Tokyo that “the Weimar Constitution was changed almost before people realized it. Why don’t we learn from that method?”

In the same speech, Aso also reportedly said that “the Constitution should be revised based on public opinions that carefully examine the situation. . . . I don’t want (people) to discuss revising the Constitution in a frenzy.”

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a major international Jewish human rights organization based in Los Angeles, strongly criticized Aso’s remark in a statement published Wednesday on its website. ...

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