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Tamaki Hosoe

Aug 2, 2013, 5:01:39 AM8/2/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com
ドイツは歴史にきちんと学んで、完全にファシズムを克服した。最も仲の悪かった隣国、強力なレジスタンスのあったフランスとも定期的にリーダーのサミット を持ち、行き来や対話を常に継続してきている。アドルフ ヒットラーのヒットラーの姓は消滅したと伝えられるし、ナチ擁護の発言は法律で禁止されている。

日本の指導者、(国民の資質もマスメディア通じて左右されるから) 長期保守政権は戦中や、朝鮮戦争当時と全く変わらない。タカ派の安倍首相は、隣国 中華人民共和国も、大韓民国も未だ訪問しないで、他の国とは話し合いをもって、中・韓を牽制し、何をねらっているのだろう? 朴韓国大統領はいつ来日してくれるのだろう?

ここ「飛騨の匠(たくみ)の国」にいると、百済人が飛騨の匠となったことにも感謝するし、豊田佐吉、山葉寅楠など中部圏の技術やメーカーの高さを生かす道 を考える。海底油田開発も中国と争わないで技術協力すればよい。軍隊の力で国境紛争など解決できるものではないし、今にも、中国、韓国とも戦争したいとで も言うのか?! 囲碁は国境紛争でもあるが、境界領域 (駄目場と呼ぶ) に手を出して争うことは愚の骨頂の 戦略でもある。

ソ連とも国境紛争で、未だに平和条約もない。韓国とも竹島(独島)領有権を争う。1955年に結成された自由民主党の精神構造は、戦前、戦中と変わってい ないようだし、同盟の公明党まで、(9条の) 改憲に賛成する議員も増えてきた。長年信頼築いたはずの中国からも公明代表は歓迎されなかった。非常に危険なのは、中国や、北朝鮮の脅威を煽っているその 国、日本の脅威、同盟国アメリカの脅威を言わなくなっている ことだ。現在では、北朝鮮よりも、中国よりも、日本が東アジアの脅威になってきた。

下の自衛隊の水陸両用訓練はグアムで、昨年9月だから、民主党政権の時。今年もカリフォルニアで日米合同演習を行っていることは、よく知られている。タカ 派の安倍政権になって国家防衛ガイドラインが7月26日、公明党も頼りにならない状態では、国民が声を上げるしかない。

On behalf of The Japan Times I subscribe to, my quotes follows:

Abe takes hard line on Chinese gas exploration


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday his administration will stand firm against China over its unilateral exploration for natural gas in contested waters in the East China Sea.

Abe was commenting on proposals issued by a Liberal Democratic Party panel calling on the government to take a hard line.

“The handling of the Chinese side comes in violation of their commitment and it stands to reason” that Beijing should remove its drilling facility in the area, Abe said. “We as the government will firmly address the matter.”

China is building a new facility in the area, while bilateral talks on joint development have stalled.

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Japanese leaders should be open-hearted to utilizing its technology to offer cooperation to jointly develop the natural gas resources around Senkaku Islets, where is the border but we can create so go-palyers call seki ; a new living territory between countries. Go is like a border struggle but border areas are called dame-ba 駄目場; dame is a go term meaning 'never or no use.' 技術協力して共同開発できれば、駄目場にセキ ができるではないか。

Bilateral bonds: Ground Self-Defense Force troops train with the U.S. Marines on Guam last September to 'recapture' an isolated island that's hypothetically fallen into enemy hands. | KYODO

Nation’s troops long way from hitting the beaches: experts

SDF ramping up amphibious skills amid debate over ban on offense

by Ayako Mie and Mizuho Aoki Staff Writers Aug 1, 2013

Japan has taken an increasingly proactive role in defending its territory since the end of the Cold War allowed it to shift its defensive posture to address threats from North Korea and China as public memories of the war begin to fade.

With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushing to revise the pacifist Constitution, Japan’s military presence is likely to grow in the years to come. The government at present interprets the Constitution as banning the nation from engaging in the right of collective self-defense. Abe wants this ban lifted.

The latest sign of the looming military growth was the interim National Defense Program Guidelines released July 26. The document, which outlines defense policies for the next 10 years, said it is crucial for the Self-Defense Forces to develop an amphibious warfare capability so Japan can defend its more than 6,000 islands, including the disputed Senkaku chain claimed by China and Taiwan. ...

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Letter from Einstein to Freud
To Sigmund Freud
A private letter written around 1931 or the beginning of 1932.

Dear Professor Freud:

 ... (skipped)
  The political leaders or governments owe their position partly to force and partly to popular election. They can not be regarded as representative of the best elements, morally or intellectually, in their respective nations. (Einstein must mean "political leaders" by national leaders.) The intellectual elite have no direct influence on the history of nations in these days; their lack of cohesion prevents them taking a direct part in the solution of contemporary problems. Don't you think that a change might be brought about in this respect by a free association of people whose previous achievements and actions constitute a guarantee of their ability and purity of aim? This association of an intellectual nature, whose members would need to keep in touch with each other by a constant interchange of opinions, might, by defining its attitude by the Press  -- responsibility always resting with the signatories on any given occasion -- acquire a considerable and salutary moral inf
luence over the settlement of political questions. (...skipped) But should not an effort in this direction be risked in spite of this? I look upon such an attempt as nothing less than an IMPERATIVE DUTY.

  If an intellectual association of standing, such as I have described, could be formed, it would also have to make a consistent effort to mobilize the religious organizations for the fight against war. It would give countenance to many whose good intentions are paralyzed totally by a melancholy resignation. Finally, I believe that an association formed of persons such as I have described, each highly esteemed in his own line, would be well suited to give valuable moral support to those elements in the League of Nations which are really working toward the great objective for which that institution exists.

  I had rather put these proposals to you than to anyone else in the world, because you, least of all men, are the dupe of your desires and because your critical judgment is supported by a most grave sense of responsibility.

Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein, p. 104. 1954. ISBN 0-517-55601-4

Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan
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