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Back to Work Plan

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Beth Wright

May 13, 2021, 10:59:06 AM5/13/21

We are needing to put together a Back to Work plan and I am wondering if anyone has one that they would be willing to share.



Beth Wright

Accounting Operations Manager

City of North Bend

920 SE Cedar Falls Way

North Bend, WA 98045

(425) 888-7632

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Blaine Fritts

May 13, 2021, 12:38:57 PM5/13/21
to Beth Wright,

Woodinville does not have a current written plan.  We are approaching reopening and bringing back remote works on an weekly/monthly basis.  This is all based on a number of factors, including the county phase, availability of the vaccine, ability to ensure social distancing protocols, workload need, employee comfort and more.  As it is now, I think our focus is having everyone back in house by early fall.  By this time everyone willing to get a vaccine, will be vaccinated.  A week ago we opened our police counter for passport and CPL renewal services by appointment only and we are likely going to open the permitting and engineering counters by the end of the month, also by appointment only.   This is of course with a number of protocols in place to mitigate COVID risk. 


  1. All front counters now have plexiglass barriers
  2. All customers are required to do a temp check
  3. All customers are received at the locked door and admitted by appointment only
  4. Appointments are spread apart to insure that only one group/family is admitted at a time for each counter and to provide time to sanitized the high touch areas between appointments. 
  5. Police counter customers enter from a separated entrance than permitting/engineering customers.


Note that, as far as we are aware, Woodinville is the only City open for these services.  Our police counter is staffed by one person and she has received 100+ calls a day for service.  We are now booked out to the end of July for passports and CPL renewals.  We are not offering fingerprinting services due to the service requiring close proximity and that the customer would need to enter beyond the lobby/front counter. 


Hope this helps.



Blaine Fritts | Finance Director | City of Woodinville

d: (425) 877-2261 | m: (425) 439-4534 |e:


Woodinville City Hall, 17301 133rd Ave NE, Woodinville WA 98072

Please note that this email is considered public record and may be subject to public disclosure.


From: <> On Behalf Of Beth Wright
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 7:59 AM
Subject: [wcfd] Back to Work Plan


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Kassandra Raymond

May 13, 2021, 1:52:13 PM5/13/21



The City of Sumner includes our reopening framework in our pandemic policy, which is updated as needed. I’ve also attached a presentation provided to our staff in April 2021 (please note, I’ve extracted staff-specific slides).


We have been open for permit and CPL transactions with limited hours and by appointment only since last summer, and are minimally staffed (staffing is outlined in our framework). We’ve organized our staff into two discrete teams (staff is only permitted to be in the office on by assignment AND on their specific team day).


As we work to transition to more in-house, we will be implementing a flexible work schedule for all City Hall employees, and modifying City Hall hours to provide a more flexible customer experience.


We continue to use mitigation measures including distancing, physical barriers, masking, and a daily health screening (via GoCanvas app).


Please feel free to reach out if there are any questions.


Thank you,

Kassandra Raymond

Chief Financial Officer

City of Sumner WA


From: 'Blaine Fritts' via Washington Cities Finance Group <>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 9:39 AM
To: Beth Wright <BWR...@NORTHBENDWA.GOV>;
Subject: [wcfd] RE: Back to Work Plan



City Hall Reopening Plan 042121.pdf

Diane Marcotte

May 13, 2021, 2:03:08 PM5/13/21
to Beth Wright,

The  City of Tumwater has been opened since April 13 on a modified work schedule.  We have about ½ of the staff in daily.  We are open Tue, Wed, Thur 11-3.  Staff is in the office at 8 on their assigned days.  We have been seeing a gradual increase in foot traffic.   The 1st week we were averaging about 5 customers and now we are seeing about 11-12 people per day.  These are primarily for utility payments and permit activity. 


Diane Marcotte

Interim Finance Director


From: <> On Behalf Of Beth Wright
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 7:59 AM
Subject: [wcfd] Back to Work Plan


We are needing to put together a Back to Work plan and I am wondering if anyone has one that they would be willing to share.


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