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Detroit WCSX "Jocks" - Anti-Bicycle Show Segment

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Bob Krzewinski

Aug 6, 2009, 9:43:56 AM8/6/09
On the item that Detroit radio station WCSX had an anti-bike segment on one of their shows, it is true. It was on the morning of August 5 on the Deminski and Doyle "show". My favorite is how they are encouraging people to "Lob something at their (bicyclists) heads".
The "show" can be downloaded at You can also go to the WCSX webpage and try the podcast link at and look for the bicyclists item.
FYI - I am forwarding this to the League of Michigan Bicyclists and League of American Bicyclists.
Bob Krzewinski
Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
PS - If you want to email WCSX management, use theboss@wcsx. If you want to call them, try 248-398-9470.
To copy in their radio chain top management, email WCSX likes for people think they are a local "family" station, but they part of a chain owned by Greater Media Inc. out of Massachusetts. The corporate number is 781-348-8600.

Paul Alman

Aug 6, 2009, 10:12:11 AM8/6/09
Thanks, Bob.  I listened tot he podcast and:

- called the station owners in Boston
- called the station manager
- called the show's producer
- offered to come on to talk with them as an LMB director
- expressed my disgust that they would propose illegal activities and demanded a formal retraction/apology
and I will call/write the FCC and request disciplinary action

Just what we need, people with access to our public airways making outrageous suggestions to an admittedly intellectually-challenged segment of our population...


Paul Alman

Aug 6, 2009, 10:27:01 AM8/6/09
I filed a report with the FCC on-line (an easy procedure) at:

My file number is:  09-C00142808


Linda Diane Feldt

Aug 6, 2009, 10:43:08 AM8/6/09
Here is the letter I just sent --

I just heard the podcast of the Aug 5 show regarding bicyclists.
It is certainly enlightening to hear the mentality of people who end
up cursing throwing things, swerving to scare me, and more.

But, this is a show with many listeners, and your hosts have just
deliberately tried to stir up and anger a bunch of drivers to further
harass, hate, and endanger bicyclists.
They don't offer solutions, they don't present any balanced
perspective, they just try and make things worse. And laugh at the
idea of hitting bicyclists and killing them? Fantasize about bodily
harm directed at bikers with the explicit idea of throwing things at
them? This puts lives in danger.

I've been a very long time WCSX listener. My turning you off will not
accomplish much at all. Your station has done great damage, and
further endangered bicyclists in this area. You need to apologize,
agree to spend significant air time undoing the damage that you've
done, and help spread awareness and educate people about the share
the road law. Why it exists, how to make it work, and how to deal
with road rage.

If you blow this off, I will spend my time contacting your
advertisers, and ask them to withdraw their ads. I will contact my
musician friends and ask them to stop supporting your station by
appearing on Over Easy. I will blog, I will twit, I will write
letters and make comments on line, I will do what I can to make sure
people in this area understand that WCSX supports irresponsible on
air "talent" that encourages road rage and laughs at - and therefor
encourages - bicyclist deaths. Did your hosts also find time to make
fun of the bicyclist who recently died in Ann Arbor after being hit
by a car and speculate about how much he deserved it?

Your station has just put me in greater danger. And I ride to the
right, I don't wear spandex, and I don't "blow through" traffic
lights and stops signs. But even if I did, it is grossly
irresponsible to advocate for my punishment and hopeful demise. You
have some damage to undo, and I hope you will be responsible and make
this a large issue and we can hear WCSX take the lead in providing
education to your listeners to make car bike interactions safer and
calmer rather than what your station has done - increased the danger,
increased the rage, and possibly directly contributed to bicyclist
injuries and death.

I look forward to your response.

Linda Diane Feldt

>> On Aug 6, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Bob Krzewinski wrote:
>>> On the item that Detroit radio station WCSX had an anti-bike
>>> segment on one of their shows, it is true. It was on the morning
>>> of August 5 on the Deminski and Doyle "show". My favorite is how
>>> they are encouraging people to "Lob something at their
>>> (bicyclists) heads".
>>> The "show" can be downloaded at
>>> WCSX/DD/2009_08bicycliststhrowat.mp3. You can also go to the WCSX
>>> webpage and try the podcast link at
>>> feed=podcast and look for the bicyclists item.

Paul Alman

Aug 6, 2009, 11:07:05 AM8/6/09
Linda's calm, rational response is perhaps a better answer than my
"knee jerk" angry one. I will try to be more balanced on Monday when
I talk with them, but I still think given their attitude, trying to
show how reasonable we are as cyclists, will have little effect on
their attitudes. I am going to suggest they take the Road One course,
will send them a copy of Hurst's book (and offer it to the first 5
listeners who call in and request it - perhaps) and mention, if I have
a chance, the recent increase in violent and deadly accidents
involving inattentive motorists and cyclists. I doubt if "guilt" will
play into their responses, but perhaps they will be a bit less "funny"
in their comments regarding road users.

Paul Alman

Linda Diane Feldt

Aug 6, 2009, 11:29:26 AM8/6/09
i think the most important thing to do in these circumstances is to
say hey, you screwed up, here is how you can make it good, ask for
more than you expect, and try and turn it into a positive. Otherwise,
we've just built a higher wall.

And if they blow it off, there we can do a lot of damage.

Put this on your facebook status, send a comment to ,
start a conversation on on this topic (I don't have time
left to do this) - but it is at the top of the page on one of the
options --

When twitter is back up tweet it, make it a larger discussion. It
could turn positive, publicity for what we are working towards.

Linda Diane Feldt

Jonathan Woodard

Aug 6, 2009, 11:40:24 AM8/6/09
I think having both tenors of response almost makes the point more effective. Not that rational discourse will really hold sway on people who seem to hate anyone on a bike unilaterally, but some of "their" talking points that always confuse me:

"I pay taxes to fund the road with my gas/license/blah blah blah" — well, not to mention the fact that I, too pay city and state taxes as well (as well as licensing fees on my car which I occasionally drive!) How about the fact that my vehicle causes a *fractional* amount of wear & tear to the road as a 4k lbs automobile? A comparison cited in last month's Triathlete magazine pointed out that the ENTIRE bicycle-traffic network in Portland OR cost a comparable amount to *1 mile* of automobile-rated road.

"These jokers think they're Lance Armstrong in their ridiculous pants" — I get pretty much equal amounts of hate whether I'm in spandex, gym shorts, or jeans, so I think this is basically just ranting, but nonetheless; when I'm doing an activity, I *wear what's most appropriate for the activity.* Yard work? Boots & Jeans. Kayaking? Life jacket & swim gear. A long bike ride? A wicking shirt and cushioned pants. 

"They move too slowly and won't get to the side" — I won't trot out the usual about road hazards (potholes, gravel, twigs etc.) being invisible to cars, but sever dangers to a bike, but instead ask: "How come no one is advocating throwing things at farmers who drive tractors down the road?" They're slow, and *always* fill the entire lane.

"Don't they realize that if I hit them, they'll be crippled for life?" — Yes. Yes I do. I'm reminded of it every time I'm passed by a car exceeding the speed limit, or in bad road conditions, or refusing to wait 2 seconds for oncoming traffic to clear to pass me like any other vehicle. I ask in return: "Don't you realize that if you hit me [substitute as appropriate 'startle me to the point I fall under your wheels or another vehicle'], YOU will have crippled/killed another human being and have to live with it forever?" A friend in the Tri Club passed this website along last month:

Clearly the new laws in Boulder aren't enough, as Greg Bennett was hit and nearly killed there just last week. Feel free to use any of this in your discussion with the radio station. Just this weekend on a ride near the GM proving grounds, someone in a Tahoe *rolled down the window* for the express purpose of *squirting my riding companion with a Capri Sun.* In what Universe does someone think that's okay? It's probably lucky for everyone that I didn't see it happen, or I might have done something brash.

Thanks for all of your efforts, both of you. 

-Jon Woodard

Dave Fanslow

Aug 6, 2009, 12:35:26 PM8/6/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
Why is hate speech against people engaged in legal transportation
somehow more tolerated than hate speech based on race, religion,
gender or other protected categories? If we cant get a vulnerable
road user law we should try for inclusion as a minority group (non-
motorized road users) under the anti-discrimination statutes to at
least address this kind of malicious hate speech. My FCC complaint #
is 09-C00142859.

dave fanslow

On Aug 6, 9:43 am, Bob Krzewinski <> wrote:
> On the item that Detroit radio station WCSX had an anti-bike segment on one
> of their shows, it is true. It was on the morning of August 5 on the
> Deminski and Doyle "show". My favorite is how they are encouraging people to
> "Lob something at their (bicyclists) heads".
> The "show" can be downloaded at You
> can also go to the WCSX webpage and try the podcast link at look for the bicyclists item.
> FYI - I am forwarding this to the League of Michigan Bicyclists and League
> of American Bicyclists.
> Bob Krzewinski
> Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
> PS - If you want to email WCSX management, use theboss@wcsx. If you want to
> call them, try 248-398-9470.
> To copy in their radio chain top management, email

Lily Guzman

Aug 6, 2009, 1:38:06 PM8/6/09
I just filed a complaint, too. This is terrible!


Aug 6, 2009, 4:53:40 PM8/6/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
I've never heard of that station, but my guess is they say horrible
things about lots of people, threaten to throw things at all sorts of
types and generally wallow and grunt in pleasure when their victims
are outraged. Bullies love to see their victims get helplessly
angry. I'd imagine the FCC gets complaints about them all the time.
These don't seem like people one can reason with - they're goal is to
be outrageous, after all. I'd say, wouldn't it be funny if someone
found out where they worked and accidentally dropped a bunch of
roofing tacks in the driveway? Of course, I'm not advocating anything
of the sort.


Aug 6, 2009, 5:19:46 PM8/6/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition

but ok, having written the above in a moment of anger, I also filed a
complaint, 09-C00143002 (Form2000 Filed Via The Internet)

Linda Diane Feldt

Aug 6, 2009, 6:01:11 PM8/6/09
I've listened to WCSX for many years. Actually even back in the 70's
when it was a whole other era.
But a couple times a week for the last 15-20 years. I don't listen to
morning shows hardly at all, except on the weekends. My experience is
that they aren't the usual morning show trash everyone type of
format. Although I may have missed this totally. So I think
complaints will be effective.
And at the A2B3 lunch today when I announced this issue, someone
pointed out that he is pretty certain it is illegal to advocate or
incite violence and breaking laws on the public airwaves. Which is
the basis of my FCC complaint, 09-C00142822, filed his morning.

So if it is determined to be illegal, there are consequences, and
complaints drive the investigation. Good thing.

No responses yet to my e-mails.
Keep spreading the word. The A2B3 mail list is about 400 people, not
bike related but many people who are the best at viral networking. So
hopefully this has spread to a couple thousand people today. I do
hope some good will come of it. It can work out that way.

Linda Diane Feldt
Holistic Health Practitioner

Jim Rees

Aug 6, 2009, 7:32:33 PM8/6/09
I don't know of any FCC regulations banning this sort of thing. It does
seem to be legal to incite illegal acts "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to
incite or produce such action." Which it might in this case. Still, I'd be
queasy about trying to stifle speech, even if it's hateful speech that
advocates killing bicyclists. I'd be happier shining a light on the
situation, bringing it to the attention of advertisers, local and national
media outlets, etc.

More info on the legalities here:

Andrew H.

Aug 6, 2009, 10:04:29 PM8/6/09
The FCC gives out licenses to use certain chunks of the radio
spectrum, and as such is the keeper of the "public trust", as the
airwaves are essentially public property. There is a provision within
the FCC for complaints about radio stations broadcasting profanity,
and while they might not fine the station, the complaints would be on
file when it comes time to renew their license.

"The FCC has defined profanity as “including language so grossly
offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount
to a nuisance.”

There have been other incidents like this (the formula of
shock-jock-vs.-cyclists seems to be recurring), and while I couldn't
find the incident from Connecticut from last year, I saw this one - a
case where a shock jock shooting his mouth off, and a responsive
public resulting in the radio station management actually doing
something about it:

Kris Talley

Aug 6, 2009, 11:22:12 PM8/6/09

Karen Moorhead

Aug 7, 2009, 8:26:30 AM8/7/09
There are many "interesting" comments from many "shock jocks" around the country regarding this topic.  I have been thinking about the conversation last night at the board meeting and wonder if the station out of Detroit is targeting a larger Ann Arbor audience and if we go on the air with these "shock jocks" and we all listen to the program, they are getting exactly what they want.

If you read some of the Bike League newsletters that Kris has attached you can see that in Portland they asked the station to do a Public Service Announcement and provide donation to a group like WBWC.  This seems to be a much better way IMO to sanction the station; I am afraid if we encourage discussion with the "shock jocks" they are getting a larger audience and exactly what they wanted.

If I may quote a comment from Jason in Portland, "Negativity will _not_ make people want to climb out of their car and onto a bicycle. (This is one of my Big Objections to Critical Mass, but I digress...)" 

We could even offer a discussion on a more local radio station of the recent events and see if they have any interest covering it.  I know that WEMU 89.1 supported our efforts at the Art Fair and they might be a good station to see if they want to cover this story. 

Just throwing some ideas out there.

Karen Moorhead
Keller Williams Realty
Ann Arbor/Dexter, Michigan
General info about Ann Arbor area:


Aug 7, 2009, 9:47:35 AM8/7/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
Not knowing this station, I can't comment on whether engaging with
them on the talk show would help or hurt the situation, but if someone
(Paul?) is planning to talk with them, on- or off-line, then it might
be worth pointing out how much we have in common, such as the fact
that cyclists were huge supporters of paving roads long before the
automobile enthusiasts had enough momentum to lobby for them, and that
some cyclists are sometimes also big auto enthusiasts, to the point
that Cadillac thought it a good idea to sponsor the coverage of the
tour de France.


Aug 7, 2009, 10:05:07 AM8/7/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
In an earlier segment, they had an argument about 'stop at red light'
where one of the two speakers points out the hypocrisy of the other
one in calling the 'stop on red light week' stupid.
Perhaps in a twisted way they are actually raising listener
awareness. Too bad on the bicycle segment the other guy didn't speak

Paul Alman

Aug 8, 2009, 12:39:23 PM8/8/09
Well, into the Lion's Den, so to speak.

My comments (voice mail and email) generated an invitation to talk to these clowns at 7:15 Monday morning on their show.  Hmmm.  What have I gotten myself into.


Linda Diane Feldt

Aug 8, 2009, 1:56:53 PM8/8/09
i've done a few of these types of shows. Here is my advice, for what
it is worth.

Have a theme that you can repeat over and over - your sound bite.
Prepare it and rehearse it in advance, all the ways you can redirect
the conversation back to what you want to say.

Don't try and cover all the points, don't try and make intelligent
Stick to your sound bite. You don't have to answer whatever they ask,
you can give the answer relating to your sound bite.
Stay very focused. This is not a good time for tangents.
Return to your sound bite.
Don't let them get away with generalizations
Have a few impressive statistics you can throw in about saving money,
or number of cyclists, or that people who get enraged while driving
die early.

Examples of themes -
-encouraging road rage is bad
-bicyclists pay taxes and are giving drivers more space on the roads
-bicycles save drivers time and money
-killing and maiming bicyclists results is a ruined life for the driver
-it could be your kid/wife/mother/best friend/etc. on the bike -
treat them nicely
or the simple (where I would go) - why would you ever want to
encourage hurting other people? What is wrong with you that you can't
suggest solutions, only violence?

You have a few moments to present a persona, an argument, and
something the audience (if not the hosts) will like and remember.
This is a performance, not a debate. Take control of the message and
keep that control. You are the guest, they may be polite so you can
get away with it.

Those aren't the best sound bites, but you get my point.
Thanks for doing this. I've gotten no response at all.

Linda Diane Feldt
Holistic Health Practitioner

>>>> feed=podcast and look for the bicyclists item.

Craig Stephan

Aug 8, 2009, 11:07:07 PM8/8/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
You might use as an example Deborah Beer's eloquent open letter to the
Chelsea Standard/Dexter Leader about the consequences of her being hit
by a thrown water bottle (reprinted in the AABTS Nov/Dec 2008
> >>> . You can also go to the WCSX webpage and try the podcast link at
> >>>  and look for the bicyclists item.
> >>> FYI - I am forwarding this to the League of Michigan Bicyclists  
> >>> and League of American Bicyclists.
> >>> Bob Krzewinski
> >>> Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
> >>> PS - If you want to email WCSX management, use theboss@wcsx. If  
> >>> you want to call them, try 248-398-9470.
> >>> To copy in their radio chain top management, email
> >>> . WCSX likes for people think they are a local "family" station,  
> >>> but they part of a chain owned by Greater Media Inc. out of  
> >>> Massachusetts. The corporate number is 781-348-8600.
> >> Paul Alman
> >>
> >> 734-775-1156
> > Paul Alman
> >
> > 734-775-1156
> Paul Alman
> 734-775-1156

Paul Alman

Aug 9, 2009, 1:12:19 PM8/9/09
Thanks for the Craig for the suggestion. My only concern is that I
won't be setting the agenda or tone of the conversation. I have
printed the letter and will use it if I can. I will try to be as
rational and calm as possible, but no promises. I honestly think that
unless they got the message from Corporate, these guys are only
interested in increasing the entertainment level of their show.
Unfortunately or fortunately, they have already achieved some of their
assumed goals, garnering lots of national attention to their show.

Paul Alman

Paul Alman

Aug 9, 2009, 1:52:17 PM8/9/09

Great advice and it is exactly what I needed to hear. I have tried to
prepare some responses to their specific "charges" - no insurance,
silly clothes, clogging the roads, etc, but I agree keeping on message
is the key. I am sure they will try to goad me (oh, yeah, I am very
goad-able), but I will try to be focused and polite but not apologetic
in any way.

I hope to focus on some of Robert Hurst's key points from The Art of
Cycling about invisibility, using the unique attributes of each road
users mode, etc. I want to try to get them to commit to a ride with
either PEAC or hopefully at the August 18th memorial ride for Tim
Pincikowski. I do like your idea of "why would you advocate hurting
anyone" - which they will deny they did - but I like you, am afraid I
might just be being set up. It will be interesting, I hope.

Paul Alman

Linda Diane Feldt

Aug 9, 2009, 9:30:22 PM8/9/09

this is a little late but I thought of some more advice that has
worked well for me in the past.


Asking "how can WE make the roads safer for cars and bikes?"
"What can bikers and WCSX do, now that his issue is raised, to calm
people down and keep people safe?"

Ask your (ahem) enemy to work with you to solve a clear mutual
problem. Enlist them in the cause by making it impossible to refuse.
It is hard to say no to that on the air and not appear to be a fool,
or at least against apple pie and babies.

Really, try and have fun, even though we all know this is also
talking about life and death.

I will try and listen tomorrow, but send us a URL for those who over

Linda Diane Feldt
Holistic Health Practitioner


Aug 9, 2009, 9:33:49 PM8/9/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
Yay Paul! Glad you found this. Do you think it'll help if more folks
file complaints?

My brother-in-law's best friend is a pretty sharp lawyer. He's often
interceded on behalf of his bud and just has a great way of talking on
the phone. That's why I've asked on a few sites to get a lawyer
involved, and warned on the WCSX site that our lawyer may be in touch
with them. Perhaps a sharp lawyer will get involved in this case on a
pro-bono basis.

The radio station should make amends; but the FCC should do a serious
review even if the WCSX folks make nicey-nicey. The law is the law,
and their on-air statements crossed the line. I want them to pay.

On Aug 6, 10:27 am, Paul Alman <> wrote:
> I filed a report with the FCC on-line (an easy procedure) at:
> My file number is:  09-C00142808
> Paul
> On Aug 6, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Paul Alman wrote:
> > Thanks, Bob.  I listened tot he podcast and:
> > - called the station owners in Boston
> > - called the station manager
> > - called the show's producer
> > - offered to come on to talk with them as an LMB director
> > - expressed my disgust that they would propose illegal activities  
> > and demanded a formal retraction/apology
> > and I will call/write the FCC and request disciplinary action
> > Just what we need, people with access to our public airways making  
> > outrageous suggestions to an admittedly intellectually-challenged  
> > segment of our population...
> > Paul
> > On Aug 6, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Bob Krzewinski wrote:
> >> On the item that Detroit radio station WCSX had an anti-bike  
> >> segment on one of their shows, it is true. It was on the morning of  
> >> August 5 on the Deminski and Doyle "show". My favorite is how they  
> >> are encouraging people to "Lob something at their (bicyclists)  
> >> heads".
> >> The "show" can be downloaded at
> >> . You can also go to the WCSX webpage and try the podcast link at
> >>  and look for the bicyclists item.
> >> FYI - I am forwarding this to the League of Michigan Bicyclists and  
> >> League of American Bicyclists.
> >> Bob Krzewinski
> >> Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
> >> PS - If you want to email WCSX management, use theboss@wcsx. If you  
> >> want to call them, try 248-398-9470.
> >> To copy in their radio chain top management, email
> >> . WCSX likes for people think they are a local "family" station,  
> >> but they part of a chain owned by Greater Media Inc. out of  
> >> Massachusetts. The corporate number is 781-348-8600.
> > Paul Alman


Aug 9, 2009, 9:54:47 PM8/9/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
Good luck to you, Paul. I'll be listening - I don't normally listen
to this station so I guess I'll be adding to their objective of
increasing audience. I think you'll come off as I understand you;
pleasant but tough on the issues. Linda's advice on sound-bites and
sticking to the issues is key. And challenging them to provide PR for
the memorial ride is a great idea. However, I still want the FCC to
review their license. Seriously, they need to have their mikes
rattled. Being outrageous is one thing. Their remarks were
inflammatory and, though perhaps meant in jest, conveyed a message to
incite violence. That sort of behavior violates their FCC license.
The Feds may move slowly on this ... but take it from me, they will
take action. Deliberate, definitive action. The complaints have been
filed; it's out of our hands.
> >>>>> The "show" can be downloaded at
> >>>>> WCSX/DD/2009_08bicycliststhrowat.mp3. You can also go to the
> >>>>> WCSX webpage and try the podcast link at
> >>>>> feed=podcast and look for the bicyclists item.
> >>>>> FYI - I am forwarding this to the League of Michigan Bicyclists
> >>>>> and League of American Bicyclists.
> >>>>> Bob Krzewinski
> >>>>> Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
> >>>>> PS - If you want to email WCSX management, use theboss@wcsx. If
> >>>>> you want to call them, try 248-398-9470.
> >>>>> To copy in their radio chain top management, email
> >>>>> WCSX likes for people think they are a
> >>>>> local "family" station, but they part of a chain owned by
> >>>>> Greater Media Inc. out of Massachusetts. The corporate number is
> >>>>> 781-348-8600.
> >>>> Paul Alman

Kris Talley

Aug 10, 2009, 2:49:23 PM8/10/09
Paul's interviews this morning are now available:

Guess we all made enough noise (including discussions on this list,
which the hosts have read) that we now rate the title "Bike Gate."
Refraining from any comment until I listen to the 2nd segment.


Aug 10, 2009, 4:24:30 PM8/10/09
to Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition
well done, Paul!

I guess those fellows felt they had to keep repeating that didn't
condone violence against bicyclists, which of course they did say in
words, but we could all hear in the recording their snarky tone,
giving the between-the-lines justification to their less inhibited

Speaking of less inhibited, goodness, who are those people they quoted
making violent threats? I made a joke earlier myself, using their
same method of expressing a wish to cause them flat tires while adding
that off course I don't condone it - haha, get it? - but it sounded
like some people's threats of violence might have been serious. Good
grief. It's bad enough that some drivers think all bicyclists are
scofflaws worthy of harassment, which allows them to justify
screaming, honking, swerving and otherwise endangering us. But by
choosing the most wacko emails, those radio guys indirectly raised our
risk even more.

They tried to imply that Paul or WBWC had incited those messages,
which directly proves our point that their radio show - like any
message expressing rage at one group of people (in tone, no matter
what words were used) - might incite some people to violence. That's
exactly why we protested their show.

again: Paul - bravely done.

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