From your query, It seem you integrated the log source directly to the Wazuh Manager, this is why the values for the agent field has wazuh-server, agent (000).
One way to solve this issue is by making use of RSYSLOG option, which means dedicating a server to act as a central log collection from all your event source (devices), and the wazuh agent installed will forward it to the wazuh manager.
rsyslog can be installed on the endpoint (rsyslog on linux, logstash on windows).
Once you have the wazuh agent installed on the rsyslog server, you could specify the configuration to monitor the output file of the rsyslog. rsyslog server collects logs from your endpoints and writes to a file.
A sample configuration would be to modify the agent ossec config file
/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf (Linux)
C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\ossec.conf on Windows
</ossec_config>The above reference is making use of wazuh log collection capability.
Hope this helps, please let me know if you require further assistance.