Understanding Hardware Requisities to Host 300+ Agents

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Irene Romero

Jun 26, 2024, 2:07:04 PM (7 days ago) Jun 26
to Wazuh | Mailing List

I am using a single node docker wazuh deployment to host our server which is expected to have 300/400 agents enrolled. I am currently using an AWS t3.2xlarge (8vCPU, 32GB) instance. I am worried about my server reaching capacity. I'm concerned about potential server capacity issues as we scale. How should I monitor this server? Should I set alarms based on memory consumption thresholds?

With 170 agents currently enrolled, here are the server's current stats:
- CPU %: 0.44%
- MEM USAGE / LIMIT: 18.68GiB / 30.99GiB
- MEM %: 60.28%
- NET I/O: 18.8GB / 6.29GB
- BLOCK I/O: 31.3MB / 129GB
- CPU %: 0.02%
- MEM USAGE / LIMIT: 175MiB / 30.99GiB
- MEM %: 0.55%
- NET I/O: 5.69GB / 6.38GB
- BLOCK I/O: 913kB / 578kB
- CPU %: 25.47%
- MEM USAGE / LIMIT: 1.677GiB / 30.99GiB
- MEM %: 5.41%
- NET I/O: 40.1GB / 19.4GB
- BLOCK I/O: 194MB / 318GB

My disk storage is used 17%. And the output of the command free -h, to see data regarding memory consumption:

                     total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available

Mem:            30Gi        19Gi       1.2Gi       1.0Mi        10Gi        11Gi

Swap:             0B          0B          0B

Also, in case this server starts to perform badly and if I decide to migrate to a larger instance (RAM 64GB?) or to a different architecture (multi-node?), will the agents re-enroll automatically (if the name of the server remains the same)?

Thank you

Stuti Gupta

Jul 1, 2024, 1:12:11 AM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Wazuh | Mailing List
Hi Irene Romero

The hardware requirement depends upon EPS. The server ingesting more events per second (EPS) than it can handle, our suggestions are focused on scaling your architecture. Keep in mind that each Wazuh manager node with 16GB of RAM and 8 CPUs can handle around 5000 EPS, and you currently have only 4 CPUs with 32GB of RAM, so you need to increase your CPU resources.
Wazuh managers scale better horizontally than vertically, meaning it is more effective to have 2 Wazuh manager nodes in a cluster with half the resources of a single node. Additionally, if you are heavily using the Wazuh indexer on the same node as the Wazuh manager master node, this can create resource conflicts. In such cases, we recommend using a distributed architecture (or multi-node)for your environment. https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/user-manual/upscaling/adding-server-node.html

Additionally, to solve the storage issue you can refer to the following solutions:
Solution 1:  Delete the indices manually
It is necessary to delete old indices to if they are no use. It is necessary to check what the indices stored in the environment, the following API call can help:
GET _cat/indices
Then, it is necessary to delete indices that are not needed or older indices. Bear in mind that this cannot be retrieved unless there are backups of the data either using snapshots or Wazuh alerts backups.
The API call to delete indices is:
DELETE <index_name>
Or CLI command
 # curl -k -u admin:admin -XDELETE https://<WAZUH_INDEXER_IP>:9200/wazuh-alerts-4.x-YYYY.MM.DD
You can use wildcards (*) to delete more indices in one query.
Once you make enough room in the disk,

Solution 2 : Index management policies:
To minimize storage usage you can enable the policies according to your needs from here:
Regarding retention policies, we must understand that Wazuh + Wazuh Indexer is storing data, therefore, we need to configure both to auto-maintain the relevant data using the retention policies. It's worth mentioning that by default, none of them have retention policies applied, so they are not deleting old/unnecessary data after deployment.
In Wazuh Indexer, you have to set the days for how long you want to keep data in the hot state (fast access data that requires more RAM), cold state (slower access data that requires less RAM,) and the deletion state. An example would be 30 days before moving hot data to a cold state and 360 days before sending data to a deletion state.
After the creation of the retention policy, you must apply it to the existent indices (wazuh-alerts-* and/or wazuh-archives-*) and also add the wazuh template to it so new indices (that are created every day) are also included in the retention policy. All is well explained in our blog.
  You can check the retention policies in:
Opensearch Menu >> Stack Management >> Index Management
Opensearch Menu >> Index Management
For that you can follow https://documentation.wazuh.com/current/user-manual/wazuh-indexer/index-life-management.html

Solution3: Cronjob and ILM for log

To apply a deletion of alerts and archives older than 7 days, run crontab -e (as root) then paste the next piece of text:
0 0 * * mon find /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} ;
0 0 * * mon find /var/ossec/logs/archives/ -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} ;
This will execute the tasks every day at 00:01 am for Crontab to delete files in alerts/archives older than 7 days. Bear in mind that archive files could be really big in size.
 For complete information: Documentation and if you are using linux you can use the following Linux command with >
> /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json
You can also take snapshots of the indices that automatically back up your Wazuh indices in local or Cloud-based storage and restore them at any given time. To do so please refer to https://wazuh.com/blog/index-backup-managementhttps://wazuh.com/blog/wazuh-index-management/

Solution4: Fine-tune rules:
The Wazuh indexer node should have a minimum of 4GB RAM and 2 CPU cores, but it's recommended to have 16GB RAM and 8 CPU cores, The amount of data depends on the generated alerts per second (APS). If the usage is more then we recommend examining the agent log or syslog to pinpoint the specific events or event types contributing to the high log volume. Analyzing these logs facilitates the detection of anomalies or patterns, use this information to fine-tune Wazuh rules and filters to focus on the most relevant events and reduce false positives. https://wazuh.com/blog/creating-decoders-and-rules-from-scratch/

Hope this helps

Irene Romero

Jul 1, 2024, 11:49:20 AM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Wazuh | Mailing List

Thank you very very much for your reply. 

Regarding using a distributed architecture, is it possible to transform my current docker single node architecture to a multi node architecture directly? Or should I backup all files, deploy a fresh new multi node architecture and restore the data?

Thank you

Stuti Gupta

Jul 2, 2024, 5:22:31 AM (22 hours ago) Jul 2
to Wazuh | Mailing List

To backup and restore your Wazuh environment, refer to this documentation page: Wazuh files backup. It's worth noting that this documentation is tailored for migrating Wazuh environments with identical versions. Keep in mind that if you're using a Docker environment, there might be slight variations in the process.

Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions

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