(pdf) READ The Fires of Lilliput: A Holocaust story of suffering, courage, and love - Michael Martin

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Dec 7, 2023, 9:29:55 PM12/7/23
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Download PDF Or Read PDF The Fires of Lilliput: A Holocaust story of suffering, courage, and love Full Pdf

Download PDF Here : Download The Fires of Lilliput: A Holocaust story of suffering, courage, and love

Read PDF Here : Read The Fires of Lilliput: A Holocaust story of suffering, courage, and love

A JEWISH HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR is the only living witness to the life of a man the Vatican is investigating for Catholic sainthood. This is her epic story, of courage, suffering, and love.

AFTER REVIEWING HIS LIFE for nearly thirty years, the Vatican wants to declare Polish farmer and stigmatic Jakub Chelzak a Roman Catholic saint. His miraculous healings and Crucifixion wounds brought true believers—and die-hard skeptics—from across Europe during its darkest hour.

But before the Pope can canonize Jakub, Vatican officials must hear from the most important eyewitness of all: Shosha Mordechai, then a young Warsaw resident, who disappeared with her family after she and Jakub helped each other live through the most ungodly hell in human history: the Nazi siege of Poland and the Soviet invasion that followed.

No friend of the Jewish people during this time of their greatest need, the Vatican hierarchy is seeking not only Shosha’s testimony, but a major step toward reconciliation with her people. The archbishops and cardinals face an extraordinary situation: a Jewish Holocaust survivor the only living witness to the life of a Christian saint.

The Fires of Lilliput is the story Shosha tells them, of indomitable spirits who survived the throes of war, with courage, suffering, and love.

About the Cover

ED RICHARDSON created a striking abstraction of the warring forces that savaged Europe during World War II. An art director for such groundbreaking films as Badlands, Scarface, Cat People, and American Gigolo, Richardson also portrayed a journey across America’s waterways for the cover of William Least Heat-Moon’s bestseller, River-Horse.



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