Some resources to extend power of WAX

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Jan 24, 2024, 7:40:16 AM1/24/24
to wax-discuss
 Some suggestions for extending wax editor power 

1)you can download freeframe plugins following this youtube tutorial or you can download them from original creator website using this link (choose Freeframe fx).

2)To make your own presets for later using follow this tutorial:

3)Wax can import 3d objects which are in .3ds format. You can make 3d objects and save them in .3ds format by using simple 3d modeling and animation software anim8or (

4)I made folders of graphics resources for Wax and Lazpaint(image editor) which are free to use:

3d models library:(they are in .obj format so you have to export them in .3ds format using anim8or to use in Wax. While using in Wax the color of models can be off because it needs image for giving color to models.Only single color may be visible but also it will be helpful in my opinion. If you find free .3ds objects with image file given for texture in internet you can use them and they will look cool)

It was possible because of . This website provided 3d models with CC0
license. So, thank you for your amazing work.


images library(PNGs, SVGs and simple arts) I think you cannot use SVGs in Wax but enjoy others:

It was possible by free and opensource software , distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 'Tuxpaint' ( Tuxpaint has optional installer named 'Rubber Stamp' which has PNGs and SVGs. So, Thank you and all who helped to make 'Rubber Stamps' images library.

I tried my best to make folder with different catagories by keeping simplicity and conciseness in mind. I hope this can add value to Lazpaint, Wax and theirs community.

5)If you need simple but powerful image editor you can use Lazpaint ( ). It is also completely free.

6)Wax does not have audio editor. so you can use another free and simple video editing and audio editing software Openshot (

7)While exporting your video from Wax in .avi format it may become big in size so you can download and use Xvid codec ( ) which will make your exported video in less size but keeping the good quality.You need to goto project settings in wax and under video options choose Xvid codec.

8)To use winMorph for warp and transition you need to download it separately at

9)You can make music yourself by using beepbox ( . It is totally free and simple software. You can search for free music on internet which will speed up time for completing your final video faster. I know about ( or you can research yourself for discovering free music on internet.

I enjoyed Wax and know its power. Have a nice day.🙂

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