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[Updated Invitation] Web Analytics Wednesday Beijing: Measuring branding campa... @ Wed Jan 7 8pm – 10pm ()

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Florian Pihs

Jan 5, 2009, 4:17:40 AM1/5/09
to Florian Pihs,
Google Calendar

Details for the following event have changed:

Web Analytics Wednesday Beijing: Measuring branding campaign effectiveness with Dynamic Logic

Wed Jan 7 8pm – 10pm
(Timezone: China Standard Time)
Luga's villa (map)

Other attendees: 84 people

For the last Web Analytics of the year we have a special treat for you. The folks from Millward Brown are going to introduce Dynamic Logic , a solution that they hope will help to answer a key questions all brand advertisers face when doing online campaigns:

How did a branding campaign impact the perception of and attitudes towards the brand for those users who have been exposed to the ads online?

A question, that is more important to many brand advertisers than understanding "traditional" website and banner KPI's. Answering the question is critical, since analyzing what your visitors did online (Clickstream analysis - clicking on the banner, clicking in links on your site), does not directly relate to the results brand advertisers are targeting (often brand awareness and brand preference).
Many of us have tried more complex models like engagement modeling or combining quantitative analytics data with qualitative metrics to come closer to understanding the branding impact of a campaign. The challenge remains unanswered neither approach is able to tell you what effect the a branding campaign perceptions and attitudes, since both lack effective control groups.
We could certainly build an argument discussing if perceptions and attitudes are scientific enough metrics to measure a campaigns a branding campaigns effectiveness on, or if they methodology is sounds. I invite you to have these and other arguments with us next Wednesday:

Location (attention location changed): Luga's villa
Date: Wednesday December 3rd 2008
Time: 8PM

Any problems please call me at 13401191916.

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