Fwd: Heritage Film Festival - Call for Entries

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Sapna Shahani

Oct 1, 2012, 12:20:17 PM10/1/12
to wavef...@googlegroups.com, wavepr...@googlegroups.com
Please help spread the word. Thank you, 

Begin forwarded message:

From: film aadhar <film....@gmail.com>
Date: 1 October 2012 9:42:06 PM GMT+05:30
Subject: Heritage Film Festival - Call for Entries

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“aadhar is happy to announce launch of its new project ‘The Heritage Film Festival’ as part of its awareness objective”. As part  of 
aadhar’s mission to raise awareness about India’s artistic heritage, we are proud to launch our new project:  ‘The Heritage Film Festival’

The Heritage Film Festival


‘Hastakala ‘ - Celebrating Hand-Craft Skills of Traditional Artisans and Craftspeople of India

Through audio-visual media the Festival will celebrate the hand-craft skills of India, demonstrate the diversity of our artistic heritage 
and raise awareness about their importance in various aspects of our lives. This is a unique endeavour aimed at generating enthusiasm 
for our glorious artistic heritage and compliments our other awareness projects relating to Traditional Arts and Crafts of India. In the 
coming years, we plan to cover various other aspects and themes related to India’s rich cultural heritage.


We invite films (feature film, short film, documentary film, animation film) based on the theme of the festival: Textile and Non-Textile 
Handicraft from any part of India.


Submissions for films are now open for the Heritage Film Festival. Last date of submission is 25th October 2012. 
Contact us at film....@gmail.com to receive an entry submission form. 


Please help us reach more people by circulating this message among friends and other interested people and institutions. 
Thank you for your support.



Best Regards,

Avni V Varia
(Project Manager)

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