Git Workflow

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Jan 1, 2010, 11:44:49 PM1/1/10
to Wave Notifier for Mac dev
Hi Hirosi,

I'm new to development with Git. I'd like to know what kind of
workflow works. My current understanding is for me to do work on a
task, I fork your Master, then make my changes, commit, then push to
my master and then send you a pull notification. I think this is

Do i need to create my own Fork or should I create a branch of your
master for each task I work on?

Any suggestions will be helpful or even links to read about Git
workflow. I don't want to interfere with other development so I'd like
to get good with Git soon.



hiroshi saito

Jan 2, 2010, 2:36:01 AM1/2/10
Hi Brandon,

See your commit logs from:

This is your first commit:

Form differences of this commit, I cannot know which lines are changed
for new function.

See another commit by Mike (msroest):

From this commit I can understand which lines are changed. I agreed
with those changes then I pull the changes into my repos.
(This contains very tiny unintentional white space changes, but ignorable.)

I hope you understand what I'd like to say, in spite of my terrible English ;)

Also I mentioned about indentations, but I found It's my fault. Sorry.
I replaces all tabs into 4 spaces at master branch.

I think current my master branch is a good starting point for you to
add new function.
If you are not reluctant to do so, I suggest that you abandon a
current "master" branch and renew from mine by following steps:

1. rename local "master" to another name

git branch -m master old_master

2. remove remote "master"

git push origin :master

3. re-fetch my master branch

git fetch git://

4. push new master

git push origin master

5. I recommend that create new topic branch for new function

git checkout -b new-branch-name

I'm not a git ninja, every time I consult with "git help" command or
google when I want to do irregular operations (e.g. It is first time I
used `git branch -m`).

Hiroshi Saito


Jan 4, 2010, 12:50:42 PM1/4/10
to Wave Notifier for Mac dev
Thanks for the instructions. I found that pretty helpful.

Take a look in my fork, i created a topic branch called "alternative-
browser-select". This contains all the functionality for that feature
and hopefully makes it easier to see only the changes needed for you
to do a pull.


On Jan 1, 11:36 pm, hiroshi saito <> wrote:
> Hi Brandon,
> See your commit logs from:

> This is your first commit:

> Form differences of this commit, I cannot know which lines are changed
> for new function.

> See another commit by Mike (msroest):

hiroshi saito

Jan 5, 2010, 9:51:00 AM1/5/10
Occasionally, I found a guideline document of another project.

It has same concept of what I mean I suppose.

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