HI, I am new to Watchmaker framework and
interested to build a most basic genetic algorithm solver for
tsp to understand how it works and further explore. I have a
distance matrix of cities already where each element would be the distance between the city of rowth index and city of column index (diagonal elements will be zero as it will be distance between same cities). I would like to
generate few hundreds of initial population, calculate fitness function, take two of best that yields min of fitness function, produce children and so on.. (the basic routine)
My question is,
is my distance matrix enough to be fed as initial population? is it in correct format?
which objects should I use for generating initial population?
Technology: Netbeans 7.4 on Ubuntu 12.10 running OpenJDK 1.7 . Planning to add the jar file in the library of my project . Input file (distance matrix) in csv form . Right now, I am merely curious to see the output of generating initial population.
I've not used Java API extensively so correct me if I have asked anything wrong.