Dear Sirs,
Good day! We would like to notify you that the enclosed trademark which is confusingly similar with yours, which has been approved for registration by Chinese Trademark Office and published on official gazette.
It comes to our attention that a Trademark "WASMEDGE" was preliminarily approved and published by China Trademark Office on 2021-10-20. In accordance with Chinese Trademark Law Article 33, “Any person may within three months from the date of the publication, file an opposition against the trademark that has, after examination, been preliminarily approved. If no opposition has been initiated after the expiration of the time limit from the publication, the registration shall be approved, a certificate of trademark shall we issued and the trademark shall be published”. In other words, if no opposition is filed with the said period, the registrant enjoys the exclusive right in China, any other party who sells or exports identical/related goods bearing the identical/similar trademark to China would be deemed infringement and legal actions may been taken. It is available to get the status of captioned trademark via official website of Chinese Trademark Office
Particulars of the mark are listed below for your perusal:
Trademark: WASMEDGE
Filing No.: 57354459
Intl. Class: 9 Recorded in the computer operating procedures, encoded magnetic card, downloadable music files, downloadable computer application software, computer program can be downloaded, computer software (recorded), electronic publications (downloadable), downloadable video files, computer program has been recorded, recorded in the computer game software
The purpose of this letter is to notify you that our firm is able to provide our services with regard to patent and trademark protection and prosecution. Please visit our website at for more information.
We hope you may find this information to be valuable and if you find our letter to be a matter of an inconvenience nor most unwelcome we truly and honestly apologize. We, however would highly appreciated if you would keep our letter for future reference.
Your early favorable reply will be much appreciated.
Yours truly,
Patent&Trademark Attorney
Head of International Division
6F, Intellectual Property Mansion A, No.21 Haidian South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Tel.+8615117996923; Email:;
Wechat: QIANMUIP; QQ: 3470796486;