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¯\_(ツ)_/¯Proposal for Review/Edits for GSOD'23

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himanshu bhardwaj

Apr 5, 2023, 2:11:32 AM4/5/23
to Wasmedge
Hi everyone,
This is a tech nerd roaming out here and there in search of adding something valuable as well as interesting enough to the life of others.
I recently discovered WasmEdge via Google Summer of Documentation, and man o man, why didn't I find it sooner--a little buttering, I hope this is allowed;)

Anyways, coming onto the subject of the topic, I then wrote a proposal and wanted to get it reviewed, did not know whom to contact so I sent this mail out.

Do let me know more about this topic, and how you guys are planning to handle it.
I have read the GSOD repository document over the WasmEdge GitHub Page.

PROPOSAL.MD  <--Link to Proposal!
(not using .PDF ,cause what better way to send it when planning to do something in docs)

Also apologies, If I was not supposed to send this mail out.
Your reviews for what is good/bad/ugly inside the proposal file, matters a lot.

With Regards,
(also a small waving Hi, and happy day or night)
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