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SISTERHOOD OF HATE, by former Racist (WA, OR)

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Sep 7, 1994, 5:23:19 PM9/7/94
Cross-posted from: alt.activism
The following article was originally written by Floyd Cochran and typed by
me. I am sending it to you via e-mail at his request. If you would like
to contact him directly, he can be reached at:


Floyd Cochran

From producing videotapes on natural child-birthing techniques to the
white nurses preparing for racial Armageddon, women are entering the
organized racist movement in record numbers. In the last ten years the
racist movement has experienced a new and deadly growth with both young
men and women joining these legions of hate. Long the exclusive domain of
white males over 30, the image of organized hate is rapidly changing.
Traditionally, women would join the racist movement at the behest of their
husbands and boyfriends. Starting in the late 1980s, women aged 14P25
started entering into organized hate groups, often bringing their children
with them. This influx of young women into the racist movement is
providing racism with a femme face, a new face to mask old hatreds.

As the former national spokesman and political coordinator for the
neo-nazi Christian Identity church known as the Church of Jesus Christ
Christian/Aryan Nations, I traveled throughout the pacific northwest and
Tennessee spreading the Aryan Nations doctrine of hate. Wherever I
traveled, young women played an important role. These women covered the
spectrum of the racist movement from the politically minded women of the
Aryan Women's League (AWL) to the women practicing the Christian Identity
doctrine of polygamy.


The Aryan Women's League, together with the women of the skinhead group
known as American Front, is representative of the social and political
activism not normally associated with organized racism. Liz ("Valkyrie")
Bullis, the one-time secretary of the skinhead group American Front, is
armed with wealth, intelligence and a gun and is symbolic of the new
racist women of the 1990s. Expelled from Oxford University in Great
Britain for racist activities, Bullis' resume of hate activities is quite
extensive. Welding a club in a brawl with anti-racist protesters at a San
Francisco park, joining hands with militant anti-abortionists, Bullis led
22 skinheads in a public demonstration against "Jewish genocide against
the white race", i.e., abortions. Combining political organizing skills
with a flair for the media, Bullis was featured on the front cover of
Village Voice attired in skinhead garb and brandishing an assault weapon.
Bullis has organized and is affiliated with many racist organizations.
Presently, she is organizing the racist troops in Washington with her
live-in boyfriend, Justin Dwyer who is the former leader of Aryan Nations
in the state of Washington. Bullis' influence within the women's racist
movement is evident. As a woman in a male-dominated movement, Bullis has
shown that the racist movement is ready to accept the educated upscale
racist women of the 1990s.

Utilizing some of Liz Bullis' media skills, the Aryan Women's League has
become high tech and politically adept. The Aryan Women's League is the
largest women's organization within the organized hate movement. Many of
the women associated with the Aryan Women's League are among the most
educated in the racist movement. Its leaders and founders brought
together both a college education and a racial pedigree. Lynn Metzger,
the daughter of Tom Metzger, is well-schooled in the doctrines and tactics
of militant racial organizing. Her father is the founder of America's
most violent skinhead organization, White Aryan Resistance (WAR). Tom
Metzger, a TV repairman, puts the racist message on the airwaves in weekly
programs aired on cable-access television across the country. Lynn
Metzger, along with Karen Wagner, have produced videos on a wide range of
topics, from positions on the environment to practicing safe sex and
child-rearing information, all with a racial slant. The Aryan Women's
League, together with POWAR (a Portland, Oregon skinhead group) and led by
Liz Bullis, picketed the Women's Health Center in Portland, Oregon. The
racist's position on abortion is that abortion is a Jewish plan to
exterminate the white race, while at the same time, demanding that all
women of color be sterilized. All people of color are labeled animals
and, therefore, abortion for women of color is put forward as "animal

Liz Bullis and the women of the Aryan Women's League do not consider
themselves as auxiliaries to the male-dominated racist movement. In that
regard, as an organization, these women are treated with respect and
equality. As individual women in the home setting, her man is still lord
and master. Fighting alongside their men in brawls and the picket lines,
these dedicated young women are stepping up to the front line as equals
with their male counterparts.


Repairing gunshot wounds, fixing broken limbs and serving their men, the
women of the army of Israel, a Christian Identity skinhead group in Utah,
are busy preparing for racial Armageddon. Known as the White Nurses, they
are fashioning themselves into the Clara Bartons of the racist movement
and adherents of the racist faith, Christian Identity. Christian Identity
is a bible-based faith that teaches that the white Aryans are the true
sons and daughters of Yahweh (God). Christian Identity also teaches that
the Jewish people are the children of Satan and people of color are the
beasts of the field, commonly referred to as "mud people". This faith of
racism and hatred is responsible for the murder of law enforcement agents
and bombings, mostly in the pacific northwest. Due to the religious
nature of Identity, women are expected to be subservient to their men.
Women of the Identity faith spend most of their time raising large
families and home schooling their children. At Christian Identity
gatherings, the women prepare and serve the meals and plan their next

Within the organizational structure of Christian Identity churches or
political organizations, women are either secretaries or Sunday school
teachers, correlating newsletters and magazines and standing behind their
men. Christian Identity believers join their brethren in the fundamental
right wing by calling for a return to "family values". These so-called
"values" would destroy the families of all people not born white.


The racist movement consists of many different and diverse organizations
from followers of Hitler to the believers of Christian Identity.
Regardless of their own individual preferences, the women of the racist
movement are providing the overall racist movement with an infrastructure.
Corresponding with those in prison for racially-inspired crimes, referred
to as POWs, collecting clothes and toys for the children of these
prisoners, the Family Assistance Project (FAP) is a priority for these
young racists. In many instances, the women of the racist movement are
providing and maintaining the hearth and home providing stability and
guaranteeing the birth of the next generation of organized hatred.


This information is the result of my involvement of many years in the
racist movement. I had been a closet nazi, receiving literature from
various racist organizations such as Aryan Nations and the Ku Klux Klan
and read them with a passion. So when the opportunity came that made it
possible for me to make the leap from reader to warrior, I felt certain a
higher destiny was calling me. From everything that I had read and heard
about the racist movement, I felt that I was more than prepared for
whatever task and duty that would be asked of me. But nothing prepared me
for the experiences that were to come my way over the next two years,
experiences that would change my life forever. In those two short years,
I went from doing guard duty to becoming the public spokesman for the
Aryans. For the first time, everything in my life seemed to have purpose.
That is, until I was told that my youngest son would have to be murdered
because he was born with a cleft palate, a genetic defect. Like a light
going on, I soon started having doubts about the things I was doing and
saying. In the summer of 1992, I came to the realization that I could no
longer believe that what I was doing was right.

Since leaving behind the racist movement, I have been working to counter
the message of hate, to do something positive after so many years of the
negative. I feel that it is my responsibility to use my knowledge of
racism and the racist movement to counter the message of hate. I can't
change the things that I have done. I apologize to all if my hatred and
racism affected you in any way. Change is challenging. It is not
something completed overnight. Challenging and questioning fear and
stereotypes never ends for all of us.

Floyd Cochran

Barbara Bowen

Sep 11, 1994, 9:07:06 PM9/11/94

> Cross-posted from: alt.activism
> ____________________
> The following article was originally written by Floyd Cochran and typed by
> me. I am sending it to you via e-mail at his request. If you would like
> to contact him directly, he can be reached at:
> by
> Floyd Cochran

I have read the article that was posted; some context on who you are and
what your connection to Floyd Cohran is would be very helpful. Can you
vouch for his claim of prior involvement in racist organizations and
activities? Do you know if he indeed has a son born with a cleft palate?
What's his interet/reason for focussing on the role of women, as opposed
to exposing the overall strategies and tactics of racist and neo-Nazi
groups? His article lacks information specific enough to allow follow-up
and confirmation, e.g. addresses and phone numbers of the organizations he
mentions. It also lacks suggestions for tactical and strategic responses
to the activities and initiatives he describes.

He has a Delphi address, why didn't he do his own post via an Internet

Whatever contextual and explanatory information you can provide will be useful.


Transforming Learning with Human-Centered Technology

George V. Reilly

Sep 14, 1994, 2:19:17 AM9/14/94
Barbara Bowen <> wrote:
) I have read the article that was posted; some context on who you are and
) what your connection to Floyd Cohran is would be very helpful. Can you
) vouch for his claim of prior involvement in racist organizations and
) activities? Do you know if he indeed has a son born with a cleft palate?

There was an article about Floyd Cochran in the Seattle Gay News
last year, which covered all of the above in some detail.

I don't know the answers to your other questions.
/George V. Reilly <>

H. Bruce Amsbary

Oct 13, 2021, 5:50:12 PM10/13/21
I met Floyd Cochran about 1994 when I was running a LGBT organization in Bend, Oregon. I first heard about Floyd through the Southern Poverty Law Center. I can vouch that he was once the national spokesman for the Aryan Nations in northern Idaho. After I brought him to Bend to speak so many people commented to me that he was a very powerful speaker so I worked in cooperation with Oregon's Rural Organizing Project on a month long tour of rural Oregon communities with Floyd, where he spoke about Neo-Nazi recruitment tactics & strategies to combat them. The tour directly resulted in a 20 minute interview on "All Things Considered," an article in the LGBT publication, "The Advocate," and an appearance on "Fresh Air." He has since appeared on several other mainstream media outlets. He doesn't just focus on the role of women, this is just one aspect of what he has done in the past.
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