This is the public discussion list for the IMLS National Leadership Grant "Systems Interoperability and Collaborative Development for Web Archiving" and the ongoing community it intends to create. The project team has dubbed the grant "WASAPI," which is shorthand for Web Archiving Systems API. We will use this space to share and evaluate community models, technical documents & specifications, systems architecture & mappings, and meeting notes. Over the course of the project, we also hope to use this space to publicly gather potential use cases. After the project concludes, we hope this space will continue to be a community hub for these discussions and more.
Institute of Museum and Library Services(IMLS) awarded a National Leadership Grant, in the National Digital Platform category, to a proposal by Internet Archive’s
Archive-It, Stanford University Libraries (
DLSS and
University of North Texas, and
Rutgers University. The grant will support a two-year research project to test economic and community models for collaborative technology development, prototype system integration through development of Export APIs, and build community participation in web archiving development and new research and access tools.
The project supports the National Digital Platform funding priority of IMLS by increasing access to shared services and infrastructure while building capacity for broader community input in technology development. Project outcomes will promote system integration, facilitate increased distributed preservation of archived data, and help support new global and local access models possible through export APIs, with an eye towards modeling post-grant interoperable systems architectures. Archive-It’s status as widely-used, shared web archiving infrastructure ensures broad community impact and makes possible the involvement of institutions of all sizes in project work. The involvement of Stanford University Libraries builds on their work in the
Hydra community and with digital preservation services. UNT contributes experience in digital library and
web archiving technology development and Rutgers’ work on
research uses of web archives ensures the involvement of downstream user communities. Overall, the project will lay the groundwork for future collaboration around interoperability that will enhance the integration of disparate systems, increase local preservation, and improve the discoverability and use of web archives.