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Nov 19, 2018, 1:23:05 PM11/19/18

Washtenaw Association of Retired School Personnel Members:

   It is a normal expectation for retired educators to focus attention on other priorities after the recent general election. After all a new governor friendly towards public education was elected, so why not just celebrate?

It was the “Lame Duck” session of 2012 when the Republican controlled legislature rammed “Right to Work” through the process without even a hearing. Previously that fall I attended our governor’s town hall meeting in Saline in which he told the audience that right to work was not a priority for him, it wasn’t on his agenda, and it was too divisive for him to even consider. I left that town hall meeting in a relaxed and happy state of mind because I believed him, but Governor Snyder signed right to work into law the day it was placed on his desk.

Gretchen Whitmer is not set to take office until January 2019. During this time we as a group of retirees must remain informed and engaged to protect our pensions and health care benefits during this lame duck session. More legislation is passed during the lame duck session than at any other time period. If you care about your retirement benefits, keep your radar on and fingers on the pulse of the legislature. Unfortunately all of us must remain vigilant and never let our guards down.

   Should anything change, MARSP will notify members via e-mail, the MARSP Website, and its social media platforms. Hopefully all members submitted their e-mail addresses with their membership renewals and have the MARSP website address recorded on their computers, i.e. www.marsp.org In addition all must be alert and talk amongst ourselves in the event we hear anything that challenges public education and our retirement benefits.

     John Baublit, WARSP Legislative Co-Chair

     Member MARSP Legislative Committee

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