I had contented with
my knol, but yesterday i read an article about automatically registering knol with software, i recognized i need claiming
knol under my baby, warren,
hope of China, lest his name been occupied by others. i launched and in a brizzle i finished a knol. but when i edit his profile,
dog in China surveillance
started to break in and let errs upon submission and can't finish the
task. later i had to give up and returned home. my home pc's Internet
connection these days constantly very slow, esp. surfing with firefox,
really a pain. now i know my home pc likely much easier for dog to
surveillance on telcom's router, for i spent 3 hours since 6 to 9 pm i
can't finished the task editing profile page and publish the submitted
without proxy i even can't
access google knol site. they fataly blocked my access to knol, and
even with proxies, they likely also broke my submission and torn apart
the data and result errs.
however, in this morning in office, i finished all tasks, in addition claiming knol for my
another google account, be21zh.org.
fear of hacking and blocking, i prepared all knols contents offline. i
indeed prepared them last night, when i restless doubting about how to
write about
be21zh.org, and
God let me dream of his way, to be ur own and no other way to access the unity, except God.
claiming knol under
be21zh.org's title quite smooth, with another
lan proxy i didn't use usually. i also can fine tuned all my family's
knol at leasure, thx God. i see so many beauties in google knol and the
i love google.
hope u can visit them and comment on or write reviews.TIA.