U.S. Economy - for dummies

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Jan 24, 2008, 10:16:46 AM1/24/08
to WarMerica
A Primer on World Economics

Or....Why We're F**ked in the USA

Very smart men set up the U.S.A. They likely discussed things at home
with their wives and kids. God only knows how much was originally the
women and children's ideas! They wrote the constitution in such a way
as to guarantee that everyday poor people could create change for the
better when things got tough.

This constitution is the highest law in the land and every elected
official has to SWEAR to UPHOLD it. The current administration and
many more State governments and even local ones are now trying to sell
We the People on the idea that it is a negotiable point. This is
treason; there is a legal process to edit the constitution with
amendments and it takes a lot of combined powers to enact that. Bottom
line it works great and we the People need to ENFORCE our constitution
(our rights) as the highest law upon our government or we are lost.

One way was to divide the powers of government into 3 bodies. This
number is important because it always has a tie breaker. This is why
we are being railroaded today; we are only allowed to vote in a
Democrat or Republican. Once these 2 teams secretly agree on some
point of treason we're screwed because there is NO 3rd PARTY!

So they gave us interdependent branches dividing the power. We the
people elect the president and the reps, and they have to pick judges.

a) President
b) House of Reps
c) Supreme Court

These elected officials can be held accountable to do right ONLY if
the people gather in large numbers and insist on it; right to freedom
of assembly and speech.

Around 1920 some very wealthy bankers formed a "cabal" or private
investment group. They were religious men and racist whites who set up
a plan to take over the planet. It was stupid because they would die
before it was realized, but their grandchildren (George Bush, Cheney,
Rove et al) are now successfully running the world money system.

They did this by using their money to hire troublemakers do some
crimes, then take credit for it in the name of some mysterious wild
group of insane assassins. They did this to accuse certain groups of
"treason" or "terrorism" and get the country to go to war against the
other group or country.
Then when the war got hot and was pretty even, they pick 1 side and
offer loans to buy lots more guns and win the war. These men/families
are fascists and racists; they will turn our nation into a Nazi prison
camp and exterminate every dark skinned person IF we let them. This is
why dark skinned men were so committed to exposing this great evil
that they sacrificed their lives on 9-11 not so much to kill
Americans, but to create an international circumstance that would WAKE
UP the average Jills and Joes in American to the great evil we have
become in a few short years.

When the government of the USA accepted big loans from these people,
they would simply take our currency off the gold standard and print
more money. This is called "inflation" which is a word used to trick
normal people into thinking prices NATURALLY go up in a healthy
economy. This is not true; prices fluctuate but stay the same in a
healthy economy BECAUSE the PAPER MONEY NOTES are only a CHECK from
the govt. saying you can trade that $20 bill in for an ounce of pure

Now when they printed billions of dollars to pay for the current
war, they had to take the money off the gold standard , print up
enough to pay the debt, then put us back on the gold standard. Nixon
did this and Gold went from $20 to $35 an ounce.
The hard part is to reprogram your mind from the matrix of lies
on TV to know the truth; inflation does not exist; rich men are
stealing our money!! They trick stupid presidents into BREAKING THEIR
OATH and DISOBEYING THE CONSTITUTION by taking us off the gold and
silver (precious metals) standard, forcing our money to be worth
Our paper money was again taken off the gold standard and went to
$70 an ounce. So now it took 3.5 paper bills to get that same ounce of
gold. It also took 3x the cash to buy bread, butter, milk, diapers,
gasoline and everything else that REALLY MATTERS to the average
family. Now it takes about $800 paper to buy that same small piece of
gold. Of course a house is out of reach for most people. This is the
goal of the cabalists; to rob us all blind until we're broke as a
nation; as we see now. When about 25% of the citizens become
unemployed and broke, there will naturally follow a national revolt.
This is planned and will be followed by the armies of the UN coming in
and rounding us all up; the hard headed Americans who still demand
that their elected officials obey We the People and our Constitution!!
We'll be put into internment cams (there are over 100 on US soil now
being prepared for the "troublemakers".

This is treason, this is the highest crime, and it is being
perpetrated right under our noses while only a few brave men like Lou
Dobbs take a stand against it; watch him on CNN discuss this phoney
race and the rigged election going on right now. If Obama, Hillary, or
Guilianni wins, you'll know the Cabalists rigged the election. The
only men with grass roots support who are not hirelings for the
cabalists are Ron Paul, who has been railroaded out of the race and
Biden also the same; perhaps Huckabee is honest we'll see. You see if
you are not in the inner club of wicked white supremacists like
Clinton and Bush you're just out of luck sister.

This is the time of decision for America. We must repent of our
apathy and get off our couches, put down the beer and the remote, and
start calling our local reps to demand they get us back onto the
precious metals standard. Every nation on earth ha this set-up and
only since GW BUSH have we COMPLETELY removed our currency from ANY
STANDARD AT ALL resulting in spiraling in inflation (costs go up) and
jobs moved overseas where countries HAVE and HONOR the gold standard
and so labor is cheaper. Yet these laborers being paid $5 a day can
buy land in the country and wood to build a house because the MONEY
HAS VALUE! They can still build a nice house for $10k like we cold in
the 50's (on the gold standard).

Poor people from the streets of LA to the foothills of Aerkansas
need to UNITE under 1 banner; GOVT: STOP PRINTING USELSS MONEY driving
NOW!!! Or we will bear arms and make you; you are OUR servants not the
other way around; We are the People, we elect and pay you with our
taxes. You do not send police to our homes and tell us what to do.

We've had enough and we outnumber you 300 to 1; whether we have to
use pitchforks and axes or our guns; we will restore our
constitutional form of government. If we have to go to war against our
own government and police forces we will; the cops and army troops are
made up OF US: WE will not turn guns on OUR OWN countrymen for a
racist government, job or no.

So we see this vicious cycle spiraling out of control.

Oh there is 1 more dirty little secret. These same bankers diversified
into war machinery, guns, drugs and oil. Now they plan their dirty
little 'debt' wars (killing thousands of our children in the process)
around their oil interests, vote HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars into
their own ARMS CORPORATIONS. They pump billions of dollars of illegal
drugs into the country FOR PROFIT to kill off the people of color; the
poorest. They profit from the loans, they profit from the wars, they
profit from the oil used to power all the jets and tanks (a jet taking
off uses enough fuel to run your call all year).

They did this to Napoleon, and other wars, then during WW1, WW2,
Korea, Vietnam & every other war since. The result; they have driven
our money to worthlessness. We work 5x harder to get 1/2 as much real
goods. Now look at the news:

Avg. Home $250 k
Avg income $35 k
Avg debt $20 k
Value of Godl - $800 oz.

40 times the real value! Our money is 1/40th of the value it should
be! We are slaves walking around happy because the chains are on our

There are a great number of people who are fighting this legally.
Websites like DownSizeDC.org and candidates like Ron Paul are exposing
this mess. We can still clean it up and make this Nation great and
free and with equal opportunity for all IF WE ACT NOW!

Here are the steps I feel we must take:
1) Find out who is our local neighborhood rep; every county is divided
up into districts; find your representative in Washington.
2) Email them and tell them you're fed up and why. Demand action,
telling them you are passionate about this and will help them in any
way you can but it must be done. We must get back to the gold and
silver standard and disband the corrupt "Federal reserve" which is a
false name covering these wicked private bankers tracks. This has all
been exposed so WHY AREN'T CANDIDATES and the NEWSMEN talking about
3) Visit these reps; let them know you are REAL, you represent your
FAMLY and YOUR POSSE, and if they don't obey their own oath of office
and uphold the U.S. Constitution you may come punch them in the nose.
This is how we avoid having to shoot them later. (a little humor
4) Save money to buy a good firearm or 2. This lets them know we mean
business; hopefully we won't have to actually use them on them; but
give me liberty or give me death; I aint taking a microchip in my damn
hand or forehead to be tracked like a dog.
5) Buy land with enough yard to grow enough food for your family; 1/2
acre minimum I'd say. Prepare to live without every paying a bill. It
will be sweet. Buy a nanny goat or cow and some chickens; you'll need
6) Get serious; if we do not take action and work hard to get our
government back into line with the constitution, the outside world and
the people here at home, we're going to see all hell break loose. To
many people are waking up and they will not put up with it; this
CABALIST PLANNED poverty cycle is not really hurting us on the bottom
of the pyramid; it is only setting our resolve to regain our nation
from the traitors and suffer any trial to do so! We will have a free
prosperous America once again for our children and grandchildren!!!

After Native American Indians killed his 2 sons in battles, Daniel
Boone said he got along better with the 'savages' than the whites; his
own people! I see why now although this mystified me for a long time.
He understood finally that the Indians were fighting for THEIR HOMES.
When will we repent and admit that just because Afghanistan attacked
us does not mean we can attack their neighbor for oil profits??? God
holds us accountable; 'We the People' who let this go on, are
accountable for every drop of blood spilled by innocent grandmas and
children in Iraq because WE ALLOWED IT albeit ignorantly. All this
death so Bush Inc. and other rich white men (and a few Arab flunkies)
could be richer and more powerful. We let them do it by being
apathetic to even caring how our freedom came about (The founders) and
how it was maintained for these many decades (the constitutional

How true the words of Christ; do not worry about what you'll eat or
wear; trust God, seek first His kingdom and righteousness and
everything you need will be granted to you.

These words may literally define our lifestyle soon; truly they
should now. Let us prayerfully begin to take action as the VOTERS who
are supposed to run our country, before special interests run us into
the ground. We are too far behind to win fair; we need
God's help now!

~Matt Pittaway

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