Apple Changes their stance on approved dev tools

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Andy Wilbourn

Sep 10, 2010, 7:45:23 AM9/10/10
Apple has not "officially" allowed developers to use tools like MonoTouch to develop applications, which allows a user that is used to C# write apps on the Mac. One has to purchase the MonoTouch software ($399), but there is also a MonoDroid project.
Being a C# developer, I am excited about the news to possibly have code you could write once and run anywhere (we I do realize there will be some issues as nothing just works).

Richard Hovey

Sep 10, 2010, 7:59:14 AM9/10/10

I raise my cup of Java to that or is it Cocoa for the 'write-once, run everywhere...' goals. I really do hope MonoC# does a better job than Java. In the past, these hopes are usually dashed by MVC, an ugly mix of Java, HTML and js (nearly impossible to debug js on mobile dev's).

Google:AppForge - they designed a way to run VB anywhere AND handled the presentation glitches of mobile MVC, couldn't turn the corner sadly and went out of business...

Andy Wilbourn

Sep 10, 2010, 8:09:01 AM9/10/10
I understand there is also a MonoDroid project, so may be a way to get to more devices.
I do not consider myself an expert with Java, but hoped it would be better than the difference in .Net framework for PC vs Mobile. Seems to have same issues, which is understandable you have limited resources on a mobile device. Just have not been happy with RIM to not have certain libraries available as they chose to wrap things themselves to give access, I guess make things easier. I have used this project to help me figure out Blackberry dev.
I can say I have a Windows Phone 7 device, sent to me from MSFT to do some development, and that OS is not there. There is a new UI, develop using Silverlight, but very restricted (almost like Apple's initial release of their software). I have doubts it will do anything, but never under estimate the deep pockets of markets from MSFT.
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