Hi Mark and everyone else who's on this mailing list,
I'M NOT IP TO PUTTING together a presentation or regular session. But I have been thinking about a roundtable discussion on WAPA and why anthro could use more LPOS.
For all its shortcomings, WAPA brings people in practice together, it assumes that its members are involved in anthropology in action, and it helps bring us together around local (more or less) issues and concerns. It helps us network around career opportunities,
shared problems, and questions about resources pretty much throughout the DMV. At least I think it's what we're trying to do. The SfAA and AAA are fine but the really don't focus as much on the anthropologist working in practice settings, and they can't
help us function within our regional contexts the way an LPO can. I wonder why there are not more LPO's and what others think about these questions.
So, Mark, and everyone else reading this, what are your thoughts? Is there any interest in pursuing this?
Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts MA, PhD, MSW
Adjunct Professor
Department of Anthropology
College Park