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Updated Social Media Links & Reminder for Member News to be Posted

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Cortney Rinker

Jan 11, 2024, 10:11:22 AM1/11/24
Hello everyone!

Apologies for the second email. I am thankful for help in reviving the WAPA original Facebook page. I was at a loss on how to log in but am very appreciative of the help I received! I have deleted the Facebook page that I created for WAPA that I circulated yesterday. WAPA already had an X account. So, please find the updated links below and please follow, like, and share! Even if you are not on social media, please share the links with anyone who may be interested in WAPA. 

Also, don't forget to send me any news you have about your work or events you would like to share for WAPA's social media. My students and I will take care of it. My contact information is at the website below my name. (Google reminded me that this is distributed so recommended I not include my email in the message.) Please send via email: 1) a general description that I can edit as needed for format and length, 2) a link if applicable, and 3) an image to post. 

Thank you so much! 

Cortney Hughes Rinker

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