Am 23.07.2013 21:00, schrieb Elad Zelingher:
> On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:18:40 PM UTC+3, Tobias Oberstein wrote:
> Curious: which WebSocket and which JSON libs are you using?
> I use Newtonsoft.Json for serialization, Fleck for WebSocket listener,
> WebSocket4Net for WebSocket client.
Awesome: for the client-side, these are the libs we contemplated to base
upon. Now there is WampSharp (and hence a WAMP client), we probably
won't waste time writing AutobahnDotNet (not that we started on the
latter anyway;) ..
I've been reading the client tutorial: wondering how you handle RPC errors?
E.g. here is how AutobahnAndroid looks like when calling an endpoint:
Can I use instances of custom classes a payload for RPC args/results or
PubSub events?
E.g. have a look at the 2nd example at
Call results and events which travel the wire as JSON payload are
automatically converted and mapped to Java primitive types or
user-defined POJOs (Plain-old Java Objects).
The latter is a very convenient and powerful feature made possible by
the use of Jackson, a high-performance JSON processor. This works even
for container types, such as lists or maps over POJOs.
For example, it is possible to issue a RPC and get a List<Person> as a
result, where Person is a user-defined class.
This auto-mapping of JSON to/from custom classes is nice .. and I once
tried to find out if
JSON.NET would allow similar stuff as Jackson:
No answer;(
> However, these are pluggable, hence other implementations can be
> provided (WampSharp.dll doesn't know about these libraries, only
> WampSharp.Default.dll does)
> Great! Note that we started work on extending AutobahnTestsuite for
> .. we expect to release something in september. This should allow us to
> bring interoperability between WAMP implementations to a solid
> ground ..
> I actually used AutobahnTestsuite for testing my WAMP client against a
> AutobahnPython server, and also used the html client pages of
> AutobahnTestsuite in order to create some unit tests for the framework.
> I wish there was some official demo to implement, some simple task (such
> as a chat or a calculator) with a given api, which I can implement above
> my framework in order to test whether my framework can deal with it
Yep, this is roughly how the testsuite will work - e.g. for RPC, the
wampfuzzingclient will call endpoints that are expected to be
implemented by a WAMP server that wants to be tested ..
> (There should be an official client with the task that can test the demo)
> Thanks alot for joining the WAMP community and for sharing your work!
> Thanks! I'm looking forward for WAMP v2, I think WAMP has lots of
> potential, but should be spread more widely (there is no article on WAMP
> in wikipedia for instance)
Yes, totally;)
Rgd. Wikipedia: we did not write an article ourselfes, since that would
likely be frowned upon by the Wikipedia community .. "conflict of
interest" (COI) .. so we need to wait 'till s.o. else writes it ..
I am unsure at which point a person would be regarded as not having a
COI .. probably a WAMP user.