Re: MNN "Terrorist bombers" or "Extreme camping"! State generated hysteria in Canadian press.

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Jun 8, 2006, 6:20:56 PM6/8/06
to, Orakwa International Indigenous Ent.,,
u may want to look into the word "Nasi" and the Sanhedrin of Moses.
this is a little more complicated than you may think.  and u gotta learn about the establishment of Sumeria over 5000 years ago if your going to understand abraham of ur and the modern plight of the sumerians, which you may know as palestinians, more commonly the phoenicians.
as you may remember your history by year a few hundred years or so, at least from what u tell me, we know our history from 5000+ years ago if not more when you go look at the hindus history, seems so sumeria is established by the people of india and southern china and tibet, never mind what was buried under by water in indonesia 20,000 or so years ago when the seas rose over 400 feet or 130 meters when teh glaciers melted.
the wampum law is very important, would be an interseting government to cross the wampum law with ancient sumeria-india-tibet-china law, and then tehre's the ancient inca and maya-olmec-aztec law and language....

"Orakwa International Indigenous Ent." <> wrote:
MNN.  June 7 2006.  Is due process of law about to go down the drain?  Are we already in a totalitarian age?  Are flaky judges like David Marshall of Cayuga County who wants to arrest unknown Six Nations supporters and convict us without trial the wave of the future?
Since last Saturday, headlines across Canada have blasted us with news of an alleged “terrorist plot”.   According to the state-funded cowboys at CSIS, Canada’s secret service, they have saved us from an “Oklahoma style” truck bombing of the CN Tower and the beheading of Prime Minister Stephen El Harper.   What’s wrong with this story?
So far, we hear, 12 adults and 5 juveniles have been charged and held in custody, ranging in ages from 19 to 25.  According to one of the lawyers involved, these youths are not allowed to speak to their families, only to their lawyers through a plexiglass shield with guards present.   
Yesterday, the official charges were released in a brief court appearance.  Eight pages of them!  In other words, they threw the whole book at these youngsters. Not one has any previous criminal record.  According to one lawyer, they have been given so little evidence that it’s hard to know the substance of any of the allegations.  The bottom line seems to be that CSIS pretends these kids were in the “late stages” of a plan to overthrow the Canadian government! 
Would any reasonable person believe that there is a serious terrorist threat in Canada?  
Almost any mom or dad has probably heard their kid say, “I wish you were dead”, or “I want to kill you”.  But we don’t turn them over to the cops.   
Soon the Supreme Court of Canada will be dealing with where you draw the line between actual criminal intent and the normal discontent of every kid’s coming of age.  Hopefully the lawyers of these Muslim youth will be taking a very close look at the involvement of CSIS and the cops in how the alleged plot was formed.  Just who sent what e-mails to whom?  When?  Where did the idea of a truck bombing come from in the first place?  How did these city kids find out how to get agricultural fertilizer with bomb potential?  Toronto isn’t Oklahoma! 
Let’s look at the scant evidence that has come out so far.
There has been one disconcerting and well documented incident.
A while ago, farmers living an hour and a half north of Toronto started hearing what sounded like gun-fire coming from an abandoned farm.
Neighbors complained and the police investigated.   
The kids said they were involved in “extreme camping”.  This is all the rage right now.  Whose kid hasn’t played “paint ball” at one time or another?   
So why weren’t those kids searched by the cops?  If they had real guns, why didn’t the cops confiscate them?  That’s one way to keep the peace and nip trouble in the bud.  But it wouldn’t have brought CSIS so much glory, would it?  It would be more like giving out traffic tickets for the usual teen-age road races and wheelies.
Canada is made up of dull up-tight squares.  Until the internet, these Rambo wannabe’s didn’t get much fuel for their imaginations.  In the United States, terminators like Arnold Schwartznegger can become state governors.  In Canada, they can only let loose by joining CSIS and the JTF2????  Then they need victims and terror campaigns, even if they’re set up falsely.
CSIS was worried when the cold war ended.  Their spying jobs were going down the tubes.  CSIS started spying on their own citizens.  Next thing you knew, they were setting up booths at universities looking for new recruits.  What do you think was on the front cover of their pamphlet?  A picture of the Oklahoma bombing that happened in another country!!!  Canada never had a ‘Waco’ to create that level of discontent.  They needed to strike fear into the hearts of the Canadian people to keep their jobs.
In 1995, to keep busy, the bureaucrats who dreamt up the JTF2, actually faked explosions at Gustaffson Lake!  They wanted to justify a full-scale military attack on a handful of peaceful Indigenous sun dancers.  
Today, instead of reigning in the kids with simple low-tech car searches and lay some mundane charges, CSIS got out its own toys. 
Surveillance cameras were set up everywhere.  Their “operatives” hid in the bushes.  Maybe they were on to something big. Or maybe they could make it look as if they were.  Maybe they could get raises.  Maybe they could get promotions.  They wanted all those “anti-terrorist” laws passed.  Then they could go all out with their games of cowboys and Indians, good guys and bad guys. 
Maybe we’re wrong.  Maybe there was a real cause for concern.  Maybe Canada is suddenly becoming a breeding ground for terrorists instead of the usual adolescent misjudgments that goes along with normal coming of age.
No matter what, CSIS is on a roll, man!!!  They’ve got the corporate media hooked.  It publishes everything that the high-priced PR firms are feeding them.  Front page headlines every day.  Real news, like problems with medicare and what’s happening at the Supreme Court of Canada, gets stuck on the back pages.  Meanwhile the public is being primped and primed to accept a new “law and order” agenda.
Right now, while all this huff and puff about alleged terrorists is in the news, the Supreme Court is getting ready to consider the legality of anti terrorism measures.  That is to allow suspects to be detained indefinitely without charges, without even knowing the case against them and carrying out secret trials.  Yes.  This is the slippery slope to totalitarianism.  Canada has already passed laws that wipe out human rights that have been in place since the Magna Carta.  Take a look!  It’s the new world order! 
What do the “powers that be” want?  They want to beef up the army.  They want to hire 1000 more RCMP officers.  They want to build a fence along the entire U.S. Canadian border, cutting Indigenous nations in half.  They want us all to carry passports and digitally monitored ID so they can keep track of everything we do or say.  Above all, they do not want us to think.
One thing is certain.  The Supreme Court of Canada, the lawyers defending the accused youth and the people defending our land at Six Nations have one thing in common.  We all need to keep on our toes.  We have to closely watch the quickly unveiling agenda of the corporate bosses and the governments they control.  As we can see, they want to take all our freedoms and our possessions.   They are taking more desperate measures to frighten the public into submission.  However, the majority of those without blinders aren’t buying it.  We’re not scared, and that’s what terrifies them!
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

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