RE: MNN What's "Windigo Psychosis"? ATF "Sitting Duck" operation at 6 Nations.

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Joshua-Lee Freeman

Jun 11, 2006, 7:17:57 PM6/11/06
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>From: "Orakwa International Indigenous Ent." <>
>To: "ActionCanadaNetwork" <>
>Subject: MNN What's "Windigo Psychosis"? ATF "Sitting Duck" operation at 6
>Nations. Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 16:29:26 -0400
>MNN. June 9, 2006. Is the ATF helping Canada with the "sitting duck"
>formation based on the "Mai Lai massacre" strategy of 1968? Are they going
>to surround us and do us in?
>Rumor has it that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said, "The
>protesters are either going to kill the Indigenous people, or the
>Indigenous people are going to kill the protesters". We don't know if the
>Canadian Prime Minister made this irresponsible statement or not. We will
>comment on it because a lot of people believe he did. This statement, if
>true, is a big problem for the people of Caledonia. It means their elected
>head of state has abdicated his responsibility to protect and represent
>them. Also, Canada has an historical alliance with the Six Nations people.
> If Harper said these words, it is tantamount to a declaration of war
>against a traditional ally. We are not going to respond to it as such.
>We firmly believe that this does not represent the will of the Canadian
>people. A state is supposed to help people get along together and to help
>them get organized so that everyone benefits. Canada has 'officially'
>endorsed the principle of human equality. Mr. Harper was raised in Alberta
>on Blackfoot territory. He's come East to Rotino'shon:ni and Algonquin
>territory and he doesn't understand anything about us. This sets him up to
>be ill-advised by the RCMP, Indian Affairs and CSIS bureaucrats. These
>agents are struggling to maintain their illicit jobs. Harper seems to be
>using these people as his advisors. If they wanted to keep peace in the
>Six Nations-Caledonia region and understood how to do it, we wouldn't be
>having these potent problems today.
>We repeat our invitation to Mr. Harper and the Governor General Michaelle
>Jean, if she can be found wherever she is in the world, to come and talk to
>From our perspective equality is something that colonial society has
>trouble understanding. The principle was only formally recognizes in the
>Canadian constitution only 24 years ago. Thinking equally does not come
>naturally to Canadians the way it does to us Rotino'shon:ni. Some people
>even think that the Caledonia situation will be resolved if the Six Nations
>people start "obeying their chiefs". It's obvious they don't understand
>that we don't have a word for "chief". Our Royaner who are often called
>chiefs are only voices for the people. They cannot make decisions or state
>their own opinions. Obviously Mr. Harper is not well advised because he
>does not seem to understand this.
>We question why would Mr. Harper, as a member of a minority government,
>sell out his own voters? Why would he sell out Canada's allies?
>Why are U.S. Border Patrol and ATF operatives being invited to invade
>Canada? What is happening here? We don't understand. Canadians don't
>either. The Americans suffer from what is called the "Windigo Psychosis".
>That's because they're cut off from their roots, and are like the
>Indigenous mythical "Windigo". They are the ghosts with a heart of ice who
>died of famine because they wanted to eat everything in sight. They have
>an insatiable hunger which knows no bounds. When they see something, they
>feel they have to own it. They do not let anyone else have anything. It's
>a serious illness that feeds on a spiritual void. Canada is presently in
>an incipient stage of the "Windigo Psychosis".
>Americans had no business going into Vietnam without being invited. No
>part of the Vietnamese population wanted them there. The Americans
>continuously bombed and shelled the province. Most homes were damaged or
>destroyed of the people they were pretending to save. They wanted to
>eliminate their fighters [warriors]. Success was not based on how much
>territory they acquired but by the body count, which was exaggerated. On
>March 16, 1968, in "May Lai", the U.S. soldiers surrounded the people, and
>started to kill everybody to totally exterminate them. 68 died, mostly
>women and children. When they did this, they were unchained from the
>morality of human feeling.
>We at Six Nations are civilians. Even though we are surrounded by armed
>forces, we have never pointed guns at the Canadians. We are being
>constantly subjected to harassment and reprisals being instigated by a
>state that is twisting the facts to try to get its citizens to attack us.
>They are organizing the Ontario Provincial Police OPP, now with the help of
>the ATF, to make us fight back. The ultimate goal is to crush us.
>Who invited the ATF into Canada anyway? When did Canadian policy change?
>Since the birth of Canada Canadians have been defending themselves from
>American invasions. Now all of a sudden state institutions are inviting
>the Americans to invade. If we had invited the Americans, we would have
>escorted them onto our territory as visitors from a foreign nation and had
>a chat with them. We would not be skulking around and hiding in the back
>seat of foreign cars.
>So what is going on? Our security forces are conducting a proper
>investigation of this bizarre and disturbing incident. The ATF were
>driving a Tahoe with "U.S. Border Patrol" [or was it "Sshh! Don't tell"]
>written on the side. The roof was loaded with high tech communications and
>every kind of surveillance gear.
>Our national security was breached. We could have held them prisoner, but
>we did not. We questioned them. We found out they were not "tourists".
>They were here on official business. Not long after we let them go, the
>skies became inundated with choppers that flew close to us night and day.
>Some had their lights turned off and some had no mufflers. Some shone hot
>bright lights on us.
>Was this a show of force to intimidate us because we had captured someone
>they thought was important? We did not beat them up. The OPP officer that
>was riding in the back of the U.S. vehicle got hurt because he was trying
>to jump off while the car was moving. He fell and hurt himself. Why was
>this guy panicking? Was he afraid of being caught red handed, violating
>our sovereignty and Canada's agreements with us? The OPP saw too many
>movies. It's obvious this guy wasn't a trained stunt man. In the movies
>he would have jumped out, rolled over and landed on his feet, with his gun
>in his hand and a steely gaze, like Clint Eastwood. Instead he ended up in
>a crazy 'Cheech and Chong' botch-up.
>The Caledonians shut down Argyle Street because they're mad at the OPP, and
>they certainly don't want to get blamed for the foolishness of cops and
>government officials, no matter what Harper says. There's no doubt about
>it, this is an international incident. Canada and the US are invading our
>ATF was brought up here by Canada or sent up here by U.S. President George
>Bush. What was the mission? Why all the photos of the territory, the
>people and the lay of the land? It's just not U.S. business! Are they
>helping Canada to design a Waco Texas style attack? Are they gathering
>intelligence and giving the Canadians pointers, "This is how it's done,
>boys!". They know how many people, men, women and children, are here, how
>big the encampment is and that we are unarmed.
>In the incident last Friday, the men at the site remained in control. They
>told the intruders in the gray car to move. When they asked the occupants
>who were shouting racist slurs to leave, the hooligans tried to run over
>our men. If anyone is attacked with rocks, we have a right to defend
>ourselves with rocks. If we are attacked with sticks, we may defend
>ourselves with sticks. If we are attacked with guns, then Canada is the
>criminal and we have a right to defend ourselves. The law of self-defense
>is straight forward. We are allowed to use equal force. If we are
>attacked with a gun or knife, we are supposed to be able to meet force with
>force. Every person and every community has the power to defend our
>home, our person and our family. If a woman is assaulted she can rip the
>assailant's eyes out, if that's what it takes. This principle is
>universally recognized.
>As for the photos being taken by the ATF, is this to superimpose us on some
>made up photos to incriminate us? These guys are so off-the-wall, who
>knows what they're doing? Or are they going to superimpose us in one of
>those balloon baskets like they used in "Around the World in 80 days" or in
>"Monte Python's Flying Circus"? Are they trying to single out certain
>people? If they find a Johnny Depp look alike at Six Nations, are they
>going to Hollywood to arrest the 'Pirate of the Caribbean'? Are the OPP
>working with the "Secret Ops" from Washington DC to design an international
>invasion onto our Kaianereh'ho:wa territory? Isn't Canada being suckered
>In 1812, the Mohawks worked with British forces to keep the Americans out.
>The Americans have found a sneakier way to invade Canada this time.
>They're pretending to help Canadians fight us! When the dust settles,
>Canadians will find they've lost not only their shirts, but also whatever
>tattered remnants of their so-called sovereignty they've managed to cling
>Faced with the Six Nations legitimate claim, Canada has dashed into a
>corner. Instead of facing up to the problems from the past they've
>inherited, they've gone and barricaded themselves in a psychological
>corner. We've always been out front. We've always been ready to meet
>people face to face as equals. We've always been able to sit down with
>clear eyes, ears and to speak clear words so we can reach an intelligent
>understanding. We've never really understood this hysterical response of
>colonial society. They seem to be scared by their own reflection in the
>They have no choice legally but to make amends about the theft of our
>lands. They don't seem to be able to face up to it. Like an overtired
>2-year old having a temper tantrum because they don't want to go to bed,
>they are striking at us in an irrational way. With everyone watching, they
>are creating havoc. Instead of grabbing this opportunity to make things
>right, so there can be a strong future, they're creating disruptions. At
>this rate it could take several generations more to solve the problem that
>should be relatively straight forward - just obey the laws and give us back
>our lands, Canada! They are making it look to the world as if they want to
>defend their genocidal practices of past colonial governments. Why are
>they defending these raving madmen, some of whom have been dead for half a
>century or more?
>They seem to be under a trance. Many of their ancestors immigrated to our
>land under a "big lie". They were told that this was an "empty land", even
>though they saw us. They just somehow couldn't put two and two together.
>Now it's obvious to everyone that their math and their vision were bad.
>They want to continue with their policy, which is still genocide of the
>past, present and future. According to their plan, we should not be here
>today, at least not according to Canada and the United States. The order
>was given to exterminate all Indigenous people off Turtle Island and
>beyond. The colonists called it "the land of the free" because they never
>paid. They couldn't because it was never for sale. They don't mean the
>people are free. They're referring to the theft of our land. Us resisting
>and standing firm reminds them of this. So they're going nuts! There's
>got to be a way to stop their genocide policy. Who likes this? Who wants
>to continue to live with this? If you want Canada and the United States to
>start treating Indigenous people decently as human equals, let's hear from
>you. We need some action to stop these attacks on us.
>Kahentinetha Horn
>MNN Mohawk Nation News

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