Press Release for Canada!!!!!!

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Jun 1, 2006, 8:28:21 AM6/1/06

May 31, 2006



CALEDONIA, Canada-  One day before the mandatory court appearance ordered by Ontario Superior Court Justice David Marshall, 6Nations representative, Jacqueline House, spoke out regarding serious conflicts of interest that affect the rendering of these court orders. 


The civil injunctions ordered by Judge Marshall have not been enforced so that in a highly unusual move, the Judge has ordered the OPP, the Attorney General of Ontario, 6Nations representatives, the developers and other parties to a special court session Thursday.


In a private press interview held on the morning of May 30, 2006, Jacqueline House revealed the conflicts of interests involved in this case as well as reminding the officials involved, of their duties to the Queen and Her interests. Jacqueline House released the following letter that will be presented to the media, officials present at the court hearing tomorrow, and will be delivered directly to Judge Marshall in court by 6Nations leadership during the mandatory hearing on Thursday, June 1, 2006.


The contents of Jacqueline Houses' letter are as follows:


"The Canadian government is attacking 6Nations in regard to a law that they created. The government is now in violation of their own law regarding Human Rights.  By doing so, they are attacking our integrity, dignity, socio-economic base and our sovereignty as an Independent Nation.


Prime Minister Harper is quoted as saying, "The issues regarding 6Nations are a Provincial matter."  We most respectfully remind him, this is not a Provincial matter, but a Federal, International, and Diplomatic matter and must be dealt with accordingly.


Acting entities which involve the OPP, Michael Bruder, and Judge Marshall, are reminded that they have all taken an oath to protect Her Majesty’s' interests and Her honor that extends to preserving and not threatening Her relationship to our People.


They are in conflict of interest as an application to Her Court. There is no ground for criminal sanction. To comply with the civil injunction, is to request Her servants to cause Her Majesty to fail in Her oath to protect our People.  She is to remove the offenders from our land and to protect us from further harm. To follow the orders of this Civil Injunction is to dishonor Her Majesty and the agreement made with our People through the Royal Proclamation of 1763 by King George III, which promised to protect our People by not molesting or disturbing our land in perpetuity.


Further, Judge Marshall has presided over this case while in conflict of interest in two areas regarding this matter. First, and as was presented to the court previously, Judge Marshall owns property that is located upon 6Nations Sovereign land which directly affects his rendering a fair judgment.


Secondly, Judge Marshall was acknowledged as an Honorary Chief of the 6Nations People and as such, is an adopted relative to the very People that are presenting this case before the court. This kinship to the 6Nations People represents a bond that is never to be broken.


The author of the published book, "Dr. Marshall’s History of Haldimand County" copyrighted in 2002, states this relationship between Judge Marshall and 6Nations clearly. We respectfully acknowledge this kinship and remind Judge Marshall of his relationship to us, the People of 6Nations.


Most importantly, Her Majesty, the Queen, is called to fulfill Her role to protect our People from further harm. She is still bound by Her commitments to us, even to this moment in time, to honor the promises of Her Ancestors, the late King George the III. "


The court hearing on Thursday will decide the future of land negotiations between Canadian Government officials and 6Nations. Previous efforts to protect their tribal lands have included barricades, negotiations with Government leaders and a presentation of their case before the United Nations. The original Haldimand Declaration stated that the Crown would protect the Six Nations' interests upon the land 6 miles on both sides of the Grand River from its mouth to its source.  In fact, one of the first surveys done in the area now called Ontario was performed in attempt to place the correct boundaries of Six Nations Land.



Copyright 2006

by Shelley Bluejay Pierce

freelance writer from Bozeman, Montana

Contact information: 406-570-0199




Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace --
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