Good Morning from Grand River

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Jun 2, 2006, 9:22:39 AM6/2/06

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From: thebasketcase <>
Date: Jun 1, 2006 8:19 AM
To: "Orakwa International Indigenous Ent." <>

Good Morning from Grand River.  When I woke up this morning all I could see
was the fog and dampness that surrounded everything.  Kind of echoed my mood
of impending doom.  My thoughts were along the lines of "what are they up
to?"   For the past week since the deadline of May 31st kept creeping
closer, my heart became heavier and my mind could not escape the thoughts of
the government and their continued use of force against our people when they
are placed in a situation of having to tell the world the truth, or continue
on their path of assimilation and genocide.  Then I hear that judge marshall
has ordered a hearing of all parties concerned with what they call "douglas
creek" .  He wants to know WHY no one is enforcing his ruling and listening
to him and his law.  Apparently the rail line got an injunction on May 4th
to have the barricade that we have on the rail line removed, and marshall
wants to know why they opp haven't taken action on that, and of course why
they haven't taken action on the original 3 injunctions to have us removed
from the land reclamation site.  By the way it is now being call
Kanenhstaton (the protected place)   To my knowledge, none of our people
have any intention of going to this hearing.  How could we?  I was asked so
many times yesterday by news reporters of what I thought of what marshall
was saying and was I going to the hearing.  My response was "I cannot accede
jurisdiction to another government or another law".  They wanted to know
what that meant,  "does that mean you're not going?"  I just repeated my
words and told them it means what it means. I think they got the picture.
Many people are talking about going to the court house, and not going into
court, but standing together outside, as if to say, "we're here, but we're
telling you that you don't have the authority to enforce your laws upon us".
It would be a subtle attempt to slap in the face so to speak.  Anyway, the
message will be loud and clear either way.

This morning has been a struggle to say the least!   This is my third
attempt at getting this up-date out.  I would get so far, and each time my
computer would all of a sudden black out and shut down.  I was warned that
one of our "supporters" could be working for the government and has sent out
these viruses to crash all of our computers.  Not too far fetched when you
think of  how the computer has been able to connect all of our people from
coast to coast in solidarity and support for us here.  This little
instrument has been the key to getting the message out to all of our
brothers and sisters across the world so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if
they have master minded yet again another strategy to shut us up.  SOOOO,
watch what you open.  Can't say as I know where it is coming from or even if
it is true, just an awareness to share.

Anyway, as I was typing this morning and feeling nothing but despair and
worry, all of a sudden I felt this light from my peripheral vision first,
and then I could feel it on my face.  I was sitting next to a sliding glass
door that opens to the east, and when I looked out, I could see the sun
slowly peeking its way through those clouds.  Then I was reminded that
everything was ok.  We have yet another day.  A new beginning.  It's like a
message coming through those dark clouds that we are not alone.  The Creator
is watching and there is a plan in place even if we don't know what it is.
As long as we all continue on the path that we are on.  Upholding the Law,
upholding the Peace, trusting and honouring Creation and continuing on
together as ONE.  It's ok.  Sometimes I get so caught up in wondering what
"they" are up to, I forget that our only responsibility is to the Creator.
When we TRUST in the Creator, in ourselves and each other as Onkwehonweh,
then it doesn't matter what they do.  I know in my heart that what we are
doing is for the highest good of our people and no matter what, we have to
continue.  As we talked around the fire and around the site last night, I
had many people sharing different things.  One of which was a message this
young man had received from his mother who has now passed on.  it was a
simple but significant message at this time in our lives.  "the Creator is
coming".  A few of us talked about prophecies we had heard, and while I'm
not sure of the exact wording of the prophecy, I remember hearing the Hopi
prophecy where they talk about a time when we would reach a crossroad.
Where the Onkwehonweh will have to choose.  We either go back to the earth,
our roots, and learn to live from the earth and all that she provides for
us, or continue on the path of money and power, the latter of which will
eventually lead to that next war.  When I first heard that prophecy probably
10 years ago, I thought "yeah right" we're all gonna die cause no one is
going to give up that dollar.  It is easy to see now how wrong I was.  Our
people have come together in peace and solidarity, not because we see a
financial gain in what we are doing, but we have come together to protect
the land.  The very essence of our beings and for the good of our future.
For the unborn children.  We ARE doing what we have been instructed to do.
Not from any individual but from the spirit within.  So, for that, this
morning I am grateful,  my heart is now uplifted again and I can look to
today with anticipation.

Yesterday was a good day.  If you caught the news, our people went up the
Brantford Charity Casino to hand out flyers and remind the Crown that,  that
land that the Casino is on is our land too.  That the haldimand tract runs
from its' mouth to its source six miles on either side and that Brantford
was told before they even began any construction there that the Six Nations
maintain that as unceded territory.  Naturally the press wanted to know if
we were saying that we should have a share in the revenues from the casino.
I told them that we were not there because of the money.  We were there to
make a point.  To educate the Canadian people that the land was ours and
that the unceded territory is not just the one little piece that we have
reclaimed near 'caledonia'.   It was also set up yesterday because our
delegates were back at the table with the crowns representatives from the
feds and prov beginning the talks.  You probably all have heard by now that
Peterson is trying to go back on the agreement that was reached to get the
first barricade down.  He is trying to say that the Burtch property was only
being returned if all three barricades came down.  This happened at a
meeting with him on Monday, and our delegates basically told him to go home
and do some research because that is not the agreement that we made and that
is not the understanding of our people.  So during yesterdays talks with
Jane Stewart and this new guy Ron Doering  (he was sitting in for Barbara
McDougall);  Allen McNaughton read a statement to them that basically said
"the actions of the government of Ontario in the negotiations of a peaceful
resolution to the land right issues within Six Nations territory are
dishonorable".  He reminded them of the agreement that had been reached  and
that apparently David Peterson has no authority to resolve the issue, and
that his actions does not bode well for the re-establishment of our
relations.  Good job delegates!  He reminded them as well that we have a
relationship with our Chiefs and delegates based on trust and respect, and
if their (the government's) actions cause the people to question the honor
of our Chiefs/Delegates, then the people will take matters into their own
hands.  I hope they got the message.

There has been a lot of concern as well about this letter that is
circulating from the "Mohawk Nation of Grand River" signed by Edwin S. Hill
(Ted Squire) for those who don't know.  This was brought to the fire on
Monday because it is believed that this letter has reached the government
officials and could jeopardize the talks and progress that we have made as
Onkwehonweh.  While we all know and understand that one clan cannot speak
for a nation and that there is a process within our law to deal with any
problem that arises, this letter that is circulating basically means
nothing.  It is only paper.  It is not the law.  For those "Mohawks" of the
Orreregowah Clan, it is up to you to address these people who have put this
letter out.  To my knowledge, there has been no Mohawk Nation meeting called
to invite ALL Mohawks of all the territories to send out any such
correspondence, and again, it is just an attempt to discredit the people who
sit at the discussion table on our behalf.  I have continually tried to
remind people, including some of those who support this letter, that it
doesn't matter who is sitting at the table, they carry the voice of our
people, and we are the one's who are making the decisions.  For some of our
people, they have no problem trusting that.  For others, for reasons known
only to them, they chose to undermine and try to destroy what is good.  It
seems these people feel threatened by the fact that Allen MacNaughton is
sitting at the table.  They bring forward these papers to indicate somehow
that he is not a chief etc., etc.  we have been hearing this for over 20
years.  From what I know Allen and his mother were condoled through the
longhouse.  Given that, if there is a problem with him, it is his clan that
must deal with it.  Not the orreregowah wolf clan, and not the rest of the
confederacy.  There is a process and protocol that must be followed within
the teachings and the Law, and as far as I know, this has never been done.
So, my advice to everyone, is as I said, it means nothing.  It's only paper.
(remember, even Pope John Paul II the crowns former spiritual advisor,
reminded the world that "it's not the law, it's only paper). He knew that
the crowns laws were only created to undermine the True Law of the Land ,
the Kaierenekwah.  This letter is no different.   As far as the damage that
might have been done to our position with 'negotiations' and the land
reclamation; the other government that they send their correspondence to has
nothing to do with the internal politics and structure of our house.  We
know that we have to work hard to re-build our house, but it is not for
their government to interfere.  The people have sent our delegates there in
good faith, and we will continue to support them.  Anyone who has a concern
of any matter with respect to what we are doing and the decisions that are
being made, are welcome to join us at the fire.  Alan, Jock, Joe and the
rest of them, have been fulfilling their obligations to the people by
carrying our voices forward.  They have not made any agreements without
coming back to the fire and I believe that they will continue with the
process that was given to us.  It appears that many people want to throw a
monkey wrench into what we are doing rather than joining us and working
together.  Remember, the Law when it was given was for all Onkwehonweh, and
the original league of nations, our confederacy was symbolically tied
together with those bundle of arrows.  Take one arrow out and try to stand
alone it is easily defeated.  Keeping them bound together it cannot be
broken.  Not only that, we have called on all of the Onkwehonweh Nations of
the World to join us in upholding our Law and upholding the Peace.  We are
proceeding together as ONE, and we are continuing, regardless of the
attempts of a few.  To me, it doesn't matter who you are.  My understanding
of that peace and that tree is those four white roots reach out in the four
directions. Anyone who chooses to take solace under that tree and live
according to the Law of Creation, can take shelter and live as indicated.
If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.

Next meeting with the delegates is scheduled for Friday.  As soon as I know
what marshall has up his sleeve with the hearing today, I will let everyone
know.  It is no good to live in fear and wonder if he is going to send in
the army and opp.  it is for us to be prepared all across the world, if they
so chose to act irresponsibly, then we will remind them that Six Nations is
not alone.  Have a good day, keep the peace and stay strong!  hazel

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