Re: MNN OPP caught "Spinning wheels" in 6 Nations community

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Jun 6, 2006, 11:36:54 PM6/6/06
to Orakwa International Indigenous Ent.,,
u tell them.
and where is the queen's rep in canada from again?  what's this woman have to do wtih condie rice.

On 6/6/06, Orakwa International Indigenous Ent. <> wrote:



MNN.  June 5, 2006.  More institutionally generated hysteria!  On Sunday night an Ontario Provincial Police was caught cruising right in the middle of the Six Nations community.   Nearby someone set fires.  Sound familiar?  Let's see what they do next.  Caledonians ran to the recalamation site with their "Bring in the army" signs and our men temporarily blocked Argyle Street in front of the site.   The "secret ops" showed up in their black vans and stood between them.  By 11:00 pm everything was back to the status quo. 


Here are some details.  Last night around 8:00 PM the 'Rotiskenekete' chased an OPP cruiser "spinning its wheels" within the Six Nations community.   They had maps in their hands.  They said, "We got lost, that's all!"  Yeah!  Sure!  We're supposed to believe that?  For all we know they could've been there setting up sensors and remote controlled land mines as was done by RCMP and JTF2 at the Gustafsen Lake siege in 1995.    These guys have all the latest high tech surveillance equipment at their disposal, like satellites, jamming equipment, sensors, night vision stuff and so on.  They should be fired for incompetence.   How could they get lost?  The area was one of the first places to be mapped by Canada. 


About twenty cars surrounded them and the rez cops were called in.  The crowd ordered the rez cops to give them tickets for "trespassing", which they did.    The OPP higher ups were called and then the cops were escorted off the territory.  They had violated the truce between the OPP and Six Nations.  They should be reminded of Rex Allen's old song, "Don't go near the Indians.   Please stay away".  One thing about the Six Nations community, we know who belongs and we know who shouldn't be here!   


This incursion reminds us of the time that the Canadian Army landed on Tekakwitha Island just off the Kahnawake waterfront on the St. Lawrence River, across from Montreal during the Oka Crisis in 1990.   Heavily armed soldiers were dropped off from huge military troop carriers, flexing their so-called might to intimidate us.  They too said they were lost.  They've been lost for a long time, lost for culture, lost for words, lost for integrity.   Lost because they're trying to find a meaning for their existence thousands of miles from the homes of their ancestors!  The unarmed people of Kahnawake of all ages ran there and had one heck a fist fight with them.   Our people disarmed them and the Army had to send more military troops in to rescue their own.  Let us remind everyone that the land will not go anywhere.  We're attached to it and we're both here to say.     


Last night, the Special Ops, or whatever this new government funded terrorist cell is called, closed down Argyle Street.  They arrived in black vans?   They probably finally had to buy their own vans rather than rent them.  The car rental companies got tired of seeing their vans on television being used to attack innocent people and getting smashed by protesters.  


Then somebody called in to inform us that the "Kanenhstaton Benefit Concert" on Friday, June 16th, is going to be interrupted.   Geez!  Wonder who in the world would want to stage protests and roadblocks?  Who doesn't want us to have a day of peace, love and friendship?  Lighten up!  Don't stop good things from happening!   There will not be a roadblock big enough to derail "Redstock".         


Then there was a barn fire and a car fire somewhere near Six Nations.  This reminds us of the techniques used in Los Angeles in 1992 to make it look like the Black people were doing it.   Businesses were smashed.  Buildings and cars were set on fire.  Riots were started so the 'officials' could bring the heavy duty National Guard into the city to set up controls over the Black people.    Let's hope the Special Ops, or whatever they're called here, get reigned in before they commit any more vandalism.   Governments should not be encouraging lawlessness in any way, shape or form.   Canada is a nice quiet country and the People of Six Nations have always gotten along with our neighbors.  Let's keep it that way. 


Has anyone noticed how the corporate media keeps trying to put us together with the Muslims and the terrorists?  Last Friday the National Post covered the outrageous remarks made by the lawyer for Henco Industries at Judge David Marshall's hearing in Cayuga Court on his unserved injunctions against the Six Nations. This guy said in court that we were violating the law and practically called us terrorists.   After shouting it a few times, to make it on the news, Judge Marshall told him to "Shut up and sit down!"  The National Post tried to make this connection between us and the "terrorists" in their story.


The Muslims are not terrorists.  They do support our struggle for recognition of our basic internationally recognized human rights.   They understand what is happening to us. 


The Saturday National Post covered the big 'sting' in Toronto of very young Muslim people who purportedly had two tons of fertilizer to blow up the CN Tower and some government buildings.   Our question is how did Ontario city kids get this kind of fertilizer when they have no connection to farming?  The story goes on to say that the police substituted something else before they gave it to them!   How could they do this?  Were they the suppliers?  Apparently these kids were thinking of doing another 'Oklahoma City' bombing which happened before they were born or when they were still babies.   How did they get this idea?  Could they have been lead by tax funded government operatives?  Institutional provocateurs have been known to infiltrate vulnerable kids.  The situation is certainly disturbing.  Especially when it is put together with what we know about some government funded misadventures in the past.  If the barn near Caledonia is burnt by someone paid or encouraged to do so by a government agency, this won't be the first time something like this has happened.   


We know the extent the cops will go to make up stories to entrap us.  Are the cops trying to justify their existence?  There seem to be a lot of unknowns.  The corporate media was careful to put out a not too concrete report.  The cops are saying that "everybody is at risk" and politicians have been saying that society has been "too lenient'.   At the same time US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is echoing that there needs to be more control of the people and that things need to be tightened up to stop all these protests.  Is she really referring to 'free speech'?  


The problem with their line is that so far there hasn't been much evidence of violent conducted on the part of the Canadian people.   These operatives need some evidence that will strike fear in the hearts of everyone.  The Canadian government needs their "New Pearl Harbor" as the Americans got theirs on "September 11th 2001".   It appears both countries are heading towards totalitarianism. 


It all looks orchestrated.  It sounds like state activity from top to bottom.  The agenda in Canada is to terrify the populations from supporting our struggle.   They create fear and hysteria to shut us up so we will give the corporations and their government minions the power they want to ratchet up their controls over everyone.  We all need to be vigilant.  As the old saying goes – power corrupts. 


Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News


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