Fwd: MNN Old "Oka" Polka to be danced at Six Nations

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Wampum World

Jun 2, 2006, 11:31:52 AM6/2/06
to wampu...@googlegroups.com, wampumwor...@yahoogroups.com

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From: WampumWorld <wampu...@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 2, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: MNN Old "Oka" Polka to be danced at Six Nations
To: "arachne-w...@hotmail.com" < arachne-w...@hotmail.com>
Cc: wampum...@gmail.com

what is your knowledge of the circle wampum and hiawatha wampum belt, of which your law is based on.  so far not one single onkwehon:we answers this question to me.  this is the #0 issue to be addressed by your entire nation.

On 6/2/06, arachne-w...@hotmail.com <arachne-w...@hotmail.com > wrote:

Why is Cori and issue to you?  He is a good native of whom you know nothing about.  You do not know our present concerns.  You only go by what you read and not by what we feel as Natives. 


If I did not have a head full of old books, I would not have a fully loaded weapon.

Check out my site at: http://www.myspace.com/arachne0929

From: WampumWorld <wampu...@gmail.com>

Subject: Re: MNN Old "Oka" Polka to be danced at Six Nations
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 09:34:06 -0400

reorganizing a system, studying the law of joseph, abraham, sumeria, india, and cultures of before 5000 years ago.
something happened on earth about 5200 years ago.
who is cori?

On 6/1/06, arachne-w...@hotmail.com <arachne-w...@hotmail.com > wrote:



If I did not have a head full of old books, I would not have a fully loaded weapon.

Check out my site at:


From: WampumWorld <wampu...@gmail.com>
To: "Maggs Stacey" <arachne-w...@hotmail.com>

Subject: Re: MNN Old "Oka" Polka to be danced at Six Nations
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 11:22:27 -0400


On 5/30/06, WampumWorld <wampu...@gmail.com > wrote:
with Oka, after all this bullshit happened and subdued, wasnt too long before the people of Kanehsatake got www.fulltiltpoker.com which is one of the best websites i have ever seen.  Seems that this incident spurred a lot of creative thinking on many fronts to make amends and do some economic commerce.  think about it.  stop arguing, and do something constructive, whatever that may be, as well as it's for the good on all fronts.
my wampumworld site is currently at www.life-union.com/2/wampumworld with the only link that works is teh Stories link there until further notice if any of u want to buy the wampum jewelry and purple and white shell beads i have here or jewelry, i also do have access to lots of gold and silver and platinum if someone wants to get into this aspect of international trade.

On 5/30/06, Orakwa International Indigenous Ent. < ora...@paulcomm.ca> wrote:



MNN.  May 30th 2006.  This morning we tried to call other Mohawk territories and found our phone lines, land and cell, were dead.   Aha!  What do you think was happening?  Hmm!  When did we first run into this kind of thing before?  Hey, it was in 1990!  It must be the Oka Waltz, we thought.  


In 1990 the Mohawk Oka Crisis at Kanehsatake started with a "law and order" campaign.  Sound familiar?  The first reason they gave for bothering us was to enforce a Quebec provincial court injunction.   They had to find some criminality somewhere on the territory.  They painted our Rotiskenekete as members of "organized crime" dealing in drugs and cigarettes.   Isn't that lame?   The authorities demanded that order had to prevail.  We had to stay poor and marginalized, so they thought.  They also kept saying the police weren't doing their job.   We had set up a small barricade on a dirt road to stop the construction of a golf course over our ceremonial site and burial grounds.   Rather than spinning it as a legitimate land issue, the corporate press spun it as "organize crime".    


Throughout they followed their set agenda.  The media continuously spun their position.  They wanted to serve an injunction to get us off our land.   They had to put themselves on solid ground with the public for the attack that followed.  Finally, on July 11th the paramilitary forces of the Quebec Police came in and opened fire on our men, women and children.   Cpl. Marcel Lemay was killed.  We repelled the police attack, which was very embarrassing to them.  They took it as a personal insult.  They took off and left behind their police cars and pay loader.   78 days later this ended with us being captured by the Canadian army and the Quebec Police as we ran into the woods.


This is what happened in between.  Here are some lessons we learned from the Mohawk Oka Crisis of 1990.   


Police used their old tactics.  They had to back up their reasons for moving in and arresting us.  They needed to show that their raid into our community would not create more of a problem than what they supposedly set out to stop.   [In the Six Nations case there was no threat to life or property.  In fact, it's been peaceful throughout.  There are no weapons there].  Essentially the Quebec police made themselves look ineffective from a "might makes right" standard.   They also didn't know how to defend themselves media wise, who made them out to look like wimps for not killing everybody at the barricades. 


The Quebec Police think that good policing means pushing people around.  Their training does not give them any of the skills needed to keep community peace or to resolve problems without making conflict erupt.       


The corporate media generated the political and public provocation to move in the army.  Even though there was no provocation, Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa requested that Canada send in the army.    He insinuated that Cpl. Lemay had been shot and the Quebec Police were not handling the investigation properly.   


Canada and Quebec sent in negotiators, Bernard Roy and Alex Patterson, who set unreasonable deadlines that the "barricades had to come down" immediately, or else.   [Is David Peterson being advised by these two inept George Bush clones?  It's been 200 years that Six Nations has been unable to benefit from using their own lands.  Ontario wants to settle this in a matter of days!   The town of Caledonia and others have been compensated and are no longer inconvenienced and yet the Six Nations land is being made into a "law and order" issue]. 


The army came in before Canada and Quebec officially declared it.  They were denying they were around in the earlier stages. We heard them arriving.   Can't miss all those big noisy toys they brought with them.  They had set up positions around a perimeter of about 1 km outside of Kanehsatake, which we could see from our kitchen windows.   They arrived in APC's with heavy equipment driving right down the highway. They had 50 caliber machine guns on the APC's, each soldier carried their own automatic rifles which they kept in plain view at all times.   They set up their camps and started sneaking around running covert operations to gather information.  There was a lot of overhead action by air, taking photos, putting in sensors and cameras [to be used later in court because those teenage soldiers have bad memories].   This was done mostly at night.  Oftentimes they were heard and not seen.  We also were heard and not seen.    


After all their analysis, they figured out where everybody was and had enough intelligence, the boss gave them the green light.  Once the Quebec government made the request to have the army take over operations, it stepped everything up.  Then they started to move and tightened the perimeter. 


The army made contact with us.  They came forward and told us, "We're in charge".  Then they asked for a contact person who could negotiate with them, while guns were on us.    


They set up "checkpoints" as part of the perimeter to tighten their chokehold on us.  The soldiers did everything they could to intimidate and provoke us, especially our younger men.   They wanted to rile them up to make them take the first shot, which we vowed we would not do.  Everybody coming in or out of Kanehsatake was checked and delayed for hours at a time.


They cut off food supplies, medical, electricity, radio comunications, jammed our signals, cut off most of our cell and land phone lines and set up a hut to listen to any phone conversations that were still going on.   They had someone translate the Mohawk calls.  The only working phone line was to the army to maintain contact with them so we could "surrender" to them.  But we couldn't find a white flag because we never looked for one.   


As they got closer to us, they started to use razor wire to control our movements.  These made our community look like a concentration camp, which is what it became.   They continually put the pressure on by tightening the stranglehold, putting up to three layers of razor wire around us. 


Psychological tactics included bright lights on us all night long, loud noises, passing their helicopters overhead with the mufflers off and flying airplanes real low to keep people up.   Generally, they tried to wear us down.  They even had 5 jets flying over the treetops so that the noise was unbearable.  Sleep depravation, hunger, thirst, media leaks saying, "They're coming in", was aimed at unbalancing us.   Throughout they kept putting out more and more threats and provocation on the media. 


The army had plants, otherwise known as a "5th column" inside the community who were probably tied to the military beforehand.   They're mainly shit disturbers who go around pumping up the people, the public and the media.  They help to spin it as a law and order issue.   In this case they were natives right from the community who did everything to create confusion, chaos and fear.  


These sell outs would appear on television and criticize us.  They would hide their identity because they said they are in big danger.   We could not counter anything they said because no one would talk to us.  If they did, they directed the questions and controlled the interviews.   Usually these betrayers have no credibility in the community anyway.   They cover their faces on the media but we knew who they were.  If they were to show their faces there might be retaliation such as people saying, "We know you.  You have no honor here within our community.   You have no status".  The coverage was all based on what grabbed attention and fulfilled the media's agenda. 


In the meantime at the Hilton in Laval the agenda was taken over by Indian Affairs.  They housed all their mercenaries there who gave almost hourly misleading  press conferences giving out government propaganda.  It was a show that they were doing something to resolve the issue.  They were well paid for carrying out the government agenda.    


The "war room" was at Indian Affairs in Ottawa.  At the outset the army was coordinating intelligence with all other agencies such as the PMO, Solicitor General, Quebec government, Canada, CSIS, National Defense, police and national security all sitting at the table.   They planned, organized, collected and shared information and communication and briefed the negotiators. 


Our advice:  Look out for that media spin, which they do ahead of time.  Find ways to counter that spin.  Don't let it become a pissing contest.  Stick to the issue.  The government hasn't resolved anything in 200 years.  Find people on the outside to issue statements on your behalf such as native and non-native friends and allies.  


Should the Six Nations people go home, as David Peterson has ordered?  How can we when we are at home on our land? An ultimatum like this is unproductive.   It's not negotiating in good faith.  The government already made a consultation package with Caledonia to compensate them.  The government's confrontational stance with Indigenous people is not going to foster meaningful discussion.   We are being threatened to take the barricade down or else.  This is meant to intimidate.  If they truly want to discuss the legitimate issue, they have to accept the reality that the people are at home on our own land.   They are trespassing.  They have to prove it's their land, which they can't. 


Quebec has had the experience and have guidelines to follow.  They have to prove there is a real urgency, not a made-up one like the instigated rioters of Caledonia and their demands.   They can't just walk in there and tell us this is an injunction, so go home.  These land issues go back hundreds of years, which predates their own confederation.   


Other planned provocation includes the televised remarks of  the Mayor Marie Trainor of Caledonia and others demanding the army come in.   Also, Judge Marshall demanding that the injunction be served.  Both have land on the Haldimand Tract with fraudulent titles they want to protect.  These officials are demanding a "blood bath".   Why? 


There was a Quebec coroners report called the "Gilbert Report" about the death of Cpl. Lemay.  It pointed out that the police needed to have an "urgent" reason to go into Kanehsatake.   A trespass injunction is not good enough to come and attack, threaten, kill and wipe a segment of the Indigenous population.  We did not threaten life or limb.  We just took back our stolen land.   Marshall's injunction and Trainers demands are not enough to come in and shoot the hell out of the place.   


Once the army comes in and puts up the razor wire, they only want a surrender.   


So expect the same dance steps.  You can expect provocation to take the first shot, media blackouts, jammed phones, razor wire around, curfews, martial law, heavy army equipment and weaponry, continued threats, bullying tactics, a new 5 th column showing up and taking over the agenda to pacify us and demand that we surrender. 


There is an urgency to clean out the Indigenous people at Six Nations before June 8th.  That's when the Bilderberg meeting is taking place in Ottawa.   This is the super secret government that wants a one world government.  Canada has to show it has control.  Conrad Black is one of the Bilderbergers and owns a big chunk of Canadian media.   The members own 98% of the media and wealth on the planet.  To them there are only two types of people, 128 rich guys and the rest of us.         


Is there anything that you can think of to tell the Canadian, Ontario and other governments around the world to stop this madness?  Tell Canada, "Put your documents on the table.  If you think we are not on our land, then prove it".    


Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News








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