P-values not displaying on Niche overlap plots?

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Sarah Roy

Apr 11, 2024, 2:16:11 PM4/11/24
to Wallace Ecological Modeling App
Hi all!

When I am plotting my niche overlaps, my p-values are not displaying on the plots, nor can I find them in the data files downloaded from wallace. Any suggestions on this?


Wallace Ecological Modeling App

Apr 22, 2024, 4:58:33 PM4/22/24
to Wallace Ecological Modeling App
Are you seeing any plots at all? 
For an example of what the plots should look like for the niche overlap module, see: https://wallaceecomod.github.io/wallace/articles/tutorial-v2.html#characterize-environmental-space
And as it shows, the p-value should be  below the Similarity test.

Wallace uses the R package `ecospat` to calculate and plot niche overlap. Try using the ecospat `ecospat.plot.overlap.test()` function outside of Wallace to see if it is working there, as the p-value display is built into the ecospat function, and not the Wallace interface. 

To do this, you can download your session code using the Reproduce component [the analyses for environmental space will be at the end] and add:
ecospat::ecospat.plot.overlap.test(espace_nicheOv_Xx_Yy$simil, "D", "Similarity test")
If you are able to run niche overlap and then download the session code, you'll see this as the last line in the code. Note the Xx and Yy are placeholders here; they'll be different depending on your species.

Also, make sure your 'ecospat' package is updated. Version 4.0.0 is the current version on CRAN.

The Wallace Team

Sarah Roy

May 29, 2024, 3:59:28 PM5/29/24
to Wallace Ecological Modeling App
Thank you Bethany, I will try this! I am currently having issues with the session code giving me errors when downloading the bioclim data so I have not been able to get to this step yet. Hoping the server is just down temporarily. 


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