I am trying to figure out how to generate a table of environmental variable importance once I've run my model. I've tried running the model code in R and including the line: "var.importance(model)" but I've had no success thus far. I've also tried using the package "maxent" and including the following lines:
occ_matrix <- cbind(occs_Pp, rep(1, nrow(occs_Pp)))
maxnet_model <- maxnet(
p = occ_matrix[,3], # Presences
data = as.data.frame(envs_Pp),
f = maxnet.formula(occ_matrix[,3], envs_Pp)
importance <- maxnet::importance(model_Pp)
importance_df <- as.data.frame(importance)
importance_df$Variable <- rownames(importance_df)
This did not work either...
Has anyone perhaps figured out how to do this?
Your help would be much appreciated!
Thank you