Problem with wal-e on FIPS enabled linux

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Hans Hrasna

Aug 7, 2020, 12:53:36 PM8/7/20

Hello wal-e devs,

    I'm having an issue with wal-e archiving to S3 on a FIPS enabled linux server. Apparently FIPS does not support the MD5 hashing algorithm so archiving with FIPS enabled fails:

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/wal_e/worker/", line 40, in do_lzop_pu

k = blobstore.uri_put_file(creds, url, tf)

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/wal_e/blobstore/s3/", line 57, in uri_put_file

k.set_contents_from_file(fp, encrypt_key=True)

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/boto/s3/", line 1285, in set_contents_from_file

md5 = self.compute_md5(fp, size)

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/boto/s3/", line 1036, in compute_md5

hex_digest, b64_digest, data_size = compute_md5(fp, size=size)

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/boto/", line 1000, in compute_md5

return compute_hash(fp, buf_size, size, hash_algorithm=md5)

File "/opt/wal-e-venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/boto/", line 1004, in compute_hash

hash_obj = hash_algorithm()

ValueError: error:060800A3:digital envelope routines:EVP_DigestInit_ex:disabled for fips

2020-07-07T20:26:20Z <Greenlet at 0x7f24a90cd148: <wal_e.worker.upload.WalUploader object at 0x7f24a9125cc0>(< object at)> failed with ValueError


I've read that the S3 tags uses MD5 and other software has worked around it by using the 'overwrite' option which disables the MD5 check (

Does anyone know if there a workaround or option to disable the use of the S3 tags in wal-e? 

Has wal-g solved this issue? Is wal-g FIPS compliant?

Hans Hrasna
Principal Architect
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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