Ps4 Controller Bugging Out On Pc

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Karl Meinhardt

Jun 30, 2024, 6:46:31 AM (6 days ago) Jun 30
to wailodera

Upon further testing with the Switch controller we are seeing this as well. In both bluetooth and wired connections. If the game is already running and you connect the controller, no problem, but if the Switch controller is already connected when the game is booted then the Xbox controller has 2 instances and the Switch has none.

When 1 XInput-native controller is connected with the Switch AND PS4 controllers, connection works mid-game as expected. XInput controller LEDs show itself connected as PlayerIndex 1, even if connected later, though the order is correct in-game.

When 2 XInput controllers are connected along with both a Switch Pro and PS4 controller, connection works mid-game as expected. XInput devices show controller LEDs as PlayerIndex 1 and 2, even if connected after the DirectInput controllers, though the game correctly lists them in connection order.

so I am making a cool little racing game and my vehicle controls are the exact same as the advanced vehicle blueprint. but there is a weird issue that just randomly happened recently and it is even happening on older versions when I try them. The player two car randomly starts to drive and turn to the left constently and I dont know why. no matter what buttons I press it does not change, no matter what controller I use it does not change and no matter what cable I use to connect it to my pc it always does the same thing. I feel like it is something wrong with unreal since it does hate me for some reason and kept freezing just from me compiling code and it decided to go wrong after that happened so maybe that is the culprit. but if anyone could help me that would be nice and I would be very grateful.

My PS4 controller seems to act on its own whenever I try to navigate anywhere and it goes in all different directions instead of going where I want it to go, I don't know if it's broken or if it's a technical issue inside.

Totally recommend trying what @joeyfam87 has suggested before throwing your control out too the bins , Just as i was about to do after pulling it apart n bashing it around abit. chances are that could be the problem. unconnect to reconnect using the usb cable cord he rekons. solved my problem and saved me a hundred buks. Thanks guy.

I realize this is an older thread but this may help some folks who do a search and end up here. Try turning all bluetooth features off on devices that are near your PS4; that includes your phone. I had this issue and the controller is in great shape so I narrowed it down to interference. If it doesn't happen when the controller is wired to the console then this is most likely your solution.

i have two different controllers. only one of them suddenly started pressing UP by itself, even in default ps4 home screen. when i disconnect it and connect the other controller, i don't experience the issue with the other one. the only bluetooth device that is active by default is my laptop and i don't think it should affect the ds4

The same thing happened to me, I even came to the extreme of opening and see if it was dust, but no, I literally bought this controller a few months ago, and the one that came with the console 4 years ago doesn't have this issue, it stresses me SO &&^&^$^ MUCH

My controller had this issues, kept pressing the PS button so this turns the controller on and off randomly. I have some background in fixing electronics, my warranty has expired anyway. This issue is notorious with laptop keyboards because they have the same flex keys on the Ps4 controller. If you know how to open it up (Search ps4 controller disassembling on YouTube) then buy this flex and replace with your controller and it shouldn't press keys by itself anymore.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure the flex PCB is for your Controller model. The model number should be written on the PCB of your controller when you open it up. Example JDM 040. You can try cleaning it first to see if it works afterward.

Hey, so this happened to me multiple times. I started to try things to pin point the problem. I figured something out, but I don't know if this is for sure the problem. Every time it haooened to me, my controller would be on somewhat low battery. So, while it was happening, I put it to charge, almost every time, the controller would go back to normal. If this doesn't help you, then I hope that you will (or have) found out the problem.

I had this issue, it would scroll down so rapidly i couldnt even counter it, the moment something that it could scroll on appeared it was at the bottom, am gonna disassemble it to see what happened but when i activated bluetooth on my phone nest it it became even worse.

I had this happen and discovered that it was due to using my external drive, they both run off frequencies that causes this to happen. Disconnect your external and you should be good to go. Never had a problem since

I was having this problem for a couple weeks. I had recently switched my setup and i had my tv on top of a metal filing cabinet with my PlayStation behind the filing cabinet. My girlfriend suggested that the metal could be causing an interference. I moved my setup around and now it works normally. I hope this works for everyone and not just me but I would try to remove anything in between you and your PlayStation so that there is a direct signal from your controller to the PlayStation. Kinda like a difficult tv remote. I hope this helps anyone.

Pull L1 up as far out as socket permits and blow (or vacuum) all dust and debris at all angles (360) and then add just a dab of petroleum jelly, making sure it covers all the visible surface of the rotating ball of L1. It seems to have worked. Just a dab.

I had the same problem with R2. I fixed it. You will need some skill to disassemble the controller. The electrical contacts are dirty. The R2, R1, L2 and L1 buttons are a bit more difficult to clean than the others. You will need a small Phillips screwdriver, cotton swab and a tweezer. There are tutorials on Youtube that show how to open the controller. You need to clean all the contacts under the rubber covers. Both sides of them. The problem should be solved after that. It worked for me. I have opened the controller a few times and therefore have experience. Not recommended for beginners and if the device is still under warranty! It has two to three difficult places to put it back together....

This just started yesterday, but when I'm in the default menu, sometimes and suddenly my right controller will start doing a double click when I use the trigger or any button on it. At first I thought oh no my controller is going bad already... but if I restart the headset it goes away. So doesnt seem to be hardware related. Anyone else experience this?

Yeah I also have this, Almost positive it's from the newest controller update at the end of January. And it's most definitely not hardware because the issue is non existent in games and apps. The problem occurs because the left grip sensor thinks ur finger is always on it which makes it so whenever you click anything with it right controller it's trying to auto switch back to it left controller thinking there's a active input.

You are not alone brother. I have the exact issue. Pretty sure this is a software issue (I hope so). It happens mostly in the Oculus Home (main screen) in the games seems the bug goes away. But yeah normally restarting the headset keeps the bug away for a while.

Unfortunately after only a few moments of installing V37 the left capacitive grip continues to stick when lightly placing/resting my finger on/against the trigger. Interestingly the ability to point index fingers, remove in previous update, has returned, verifying to me that the software is imperfect.

Just want to add my voice to this support thread. I've been having this problem for a while now (just got my Quest 2 for xmas). As VyleR said, it seems to be related to the proximity sensor on the left grip trigger.

When I can see my virtual finger resting on the left grip finger even if I'm not touching it, the multiple input problem appears on the right controller. I mainly see the multiple inputs on the right trigger but I noticed this also affects the A button and the right joystick. I can actually hear the multiple input sounds flipping out, instead of just a bloop, it goes bloobloobloobloobloop. Sorry, I wanted to describe that sound because I haven't seen it mentioned.

Trying to type on the virtual keyboard when this happens is impossible, opening a menu closes it right away, etc. It does seem to only happen in the main home environment that I've noticed, thank god!

We noticed you are all reporting the same experience with your controllers. Thank you for bringing this to the community. We know how important it is to have your tools and accessories in proper working order, and we would love to help you guys get this resolved.

In order to do that, we kindly ask that you submit a support ticket describing this exact issue so we can deep dive into this. A member of our team will get back to you as quickly as possible. We look forward to hearing from all of you, and getting you guys back into a fun VR environment.

Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

I'm on series X and my controller works on every other game I've tried just fine. The game obviously recognizes that the controller exists as it works in the menus but miraculously stops working once I'm in a match. Legit can't play the game at all rn.

I've searched this forum and have read a few solutions but so far it's just been disconnecting and reconnecting the controller and hard-reset console. I've tried this and nothing has changed. There are solutions for pc that involve uninstalling and reinstalling drivers or updating drivers but since I'm on Xbox that isn't possible. If these issues are related then it seems like dbd has messed up controller support somehow in an update.

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