Malwarebytes شرح

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Karl Meinhardt

Jul 5, 2024, 8:50:16 PM (13 hours ago) Jul 5
to wailodera

My name is Aura and I'll be assisting you with your malware issue. Since we'll be working together, you can call me Aura or Yoan, which is my real name, it's up to you! Now that we've broke the ice, I'll just ask you a few things during the time we'll be working together to clean your system and get it back to an operational state.

And yes, it's normal for the Malwarebytes installation directory to be protected. If I were you, I would uninstall it and install it to its proper default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes) to avoid these kind of issues, as you don't want to use that folder to store other files (such as FRST).

haha, all visible signs of the infection are now removed (including the accessing of the website when starting up firefox). Have you taken a look at the zip file and the malwarebytes website blocked.txt and the zip C.7z ?

I did, thank you. Me and my colleagues are analyzing everything related to that infection right now. I would like you to run a scan with MBAR, as we might have found a rootkit in that infection as well.

Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) - Recovery Environment Scan
Follow the instructions below to download and execute a scan on your system with FRST from the Recovery Environment, and provide the logs in your next reply.

Alright, FRST doesn't report anything. Next we'll run a scan with GMER. A simple scan shouldn't make your system crash, but it COULD happen. Therefore, I would ask you to run the scan with GMER and leave it be. Do not use your computer until the scan is done. It shouldn't take too long anyway.

I use Kaspersky Free as my main antivirus software. I also have the free version of Malwarebytes with no real-time scanning activated. Despite this Kaspersky Free keeps telling me to remove Malwarebytes so I went on the Malwarebytes website and added some file paths to the exclusion list in Kaspersky, basically every single one that i was able to exclude. This is the page I used from the Malwarebytes website: -us/articles/360038522974-Malwarebytes-for-Windows-v4-antivirus-exclusions-list. Even though I added all the exclusions, Kaspersky keeps telling me in the "recommended" tab that Malwarebytes should be uninstalled, whenever i contact technical support on Kaspersky team for answers they keep telling me it is incompatible with Kaspersky. Still, Malwarebytes themselves say that Malwarebytes is designed to run alongside other antivirus software. Is there something that I am doing wrong? I really need help on this.

Ok it sounds like Kaspersky Free and Malwarebytes will not automatically interfere with each other, rather it is just a warning to be wary of them possible colliding, I use Malwarebytes free version so the Real-Time protection for it is turned off so it should never interfere sounds like. I simply use it as an independent scanner sometimes just to check if Kaspersky missed anything with their scan. In your experience this should not be issue sounds like right? Also i tried adding the file path you listed as an exclusion but the folder in Kaspersky Lab returned 3 child folders for which to select with all of them having multiple items underneath them as well. I will show PNG image. If you want see more I can post video as well, but i think I don't even have to do anything since you say it is just a warning and not actual conflicting applications. Just let me know if I am wrong. Also I checked the incompatible applications with Kaspersky for windows and it does list Malwarebytes as one of them but the version it lists is version whereas the version i am currently using for Malwarebytes free is Malwarebytes version

yep i tried as many of those exclusions as i could, it total up to 4 exclusions for me. Still recommends that i uninstall Malwarebytes but from what i understand from the other guys this should not be an issue as it is only cautionary step right?

I missed what Flood and Flood's wife recommended me but just saw it and added that one last exclusion on the Malwarebytes application itself not on Kaspersky Application. On Kaspersky I have 4 of those exclusions from that Malwarebytes page so problem should be done and done. One last thing i want to say, I contacted Kaspersky Technical support over email and they kept telling me I should just uninstall Malwarebytes over and over, this was a few weeks ago I believe, just think I should let you guys know. Kaspersky still recommends I delete Malwarebytes version 3.x-4.x on recommendation tab, but you guys say it is no problem. My problem should be fully solved though, thank you.

As I already said, if in K. internal incompatible list software, They changed recently the behavior and can't be ignored, They changed the Ignore button to just Keep, but still warnings...

I am new to Kaspersky Premium. I just purchased it yesterday. I formerly used Bitdefender Premium for over ten years. I have always used Malwarebytes Premium (lifetime licence) with all components active as well. Bitdefender never complained, but Kaspersky is reporting that the app is incompatible. I don't see a way to dismiss this notification, and it is hogging screen space.

I have configured exceptions in both products, but the Kaspersky warning doesn't seem to be dismissible. I want to keep both products with real-time protection enabled. It is my computer. It should be my choice.

@garioch7 Hello,

Welcome here!

You did good. Migrating from heavy Bitdefender. Kaspersky is light on system when we comparing with Bitdefender.

And yes it is not recommended use any other AV with kaspersky. Simply 2 antiviruses in same time is BAD idea they might fighting :) You can installed malwarebytes but REAL TIME protection DISABLED.

The issue here is that new MalwareBytes Premium has become recently in the last years a main antivirus / anti-malware solution, even registering as a main security provider in Windows Security System center, so keeping Kaspersky Premium and MalwareBytes Premium both running with all resident protection modules in a system it is just a big overkill, apart from that it may lead to issues, slowdowns, and incompatibilities even creating exclusions in both.

Thank you for your post, but Malwarebytes is NOT a true antivirus program, despite their misleading advertising. Creating exceptions should keep them from "fighting." Certainly, I had no problems for ten years with Bitdefender and Malwarebytes playing nicely together in the same sandbox, with the appropriate exceptions added to both programs.

I mistakenly posted here because I was following a Google search result and didn't realize this was the Free Forum. I have posted in the proper Forum now. Please accept my apologies. You can delete my posts here.

Thank you for your post. Malwarebytes works just the same as it always has, just a new paint job and more aggressive advertising. And yes, I don't permit MBAM to register in the Windows Security Centre.

@garioch7 as @harlan4096 wrote above... MBAM (malwarebytes antimalware) is now classifed as true antivirus. And nobody tells you that running 2 AVs in same time is good idea. Every AV company warns about this and it is better uninstall one antivirus. Maybe you think that more is better? 2 or 3 Antiviruses in same time then it is better? It reminds me more stripes = more adidas...

You don't know me, obviously. I only joined yesterday. I am a former Bleeping Computer Malware Response Instructor and classed as an "Expert" on the Malwarebytes Forums. I use the same handle, garioch7, on all the security Forums that I frequent daily, so you can check me out. I haven't figured out how to get that information into my Profile here yet, perhaps because my post count is too low.

BUT, that discussion digresses from my point that the user should have the option to dismiss that warning. Kaspersky has warned me. I considered the warning. It should be my option not to be incessantly nagged about my choice. I paid for the product.

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