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[WAC news alert] Policemen, guards forcibly dismantles worker's picket tents

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Workers' Assistance Center

Aug 31, 2006, 11:40:54 PM8/31/06
to WAC news alert
A press release by the Workers' Assistance Center Inc. (WAC)

1 September 2006

Policemen, guards forcibly dismantles worker's picket tents

Several union members of a Korean-owned garment factory on protest were
injured when they were assaulted by the police and guards in an attempt
to completely dismantle the makeshift tents they set-up in front of
their factory by force.

The policemen and guards, all are attached to the Philippine Economic
Zone Authority (PEZA) police and Jantro Security Agency respectively,
forcibly break into the workers' picketline at 5:30pm on August 31
and started pulling their streamers and wooden planks. A scuffle ensued
that resulted to injuries of some union members as they fought it out.

The workers on protest, all are members of the Nagkakaisang Manggagawa
sa Chong Won (NMCW-Ind.) (United Workers of Chong Won), are protesting
for the continued refusal of their Korean-owned company Chong Won
Fashion Inc. to begin negotiation for their Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA). They had a standing notice of strike following an
overwhelming vote amongst their members to go on strike.

But the police and guards instead use force to disperse and dismantle
the worker's makeshift tents reportedly upon orders by PEZA
authorities. Peza police Chief Jose Sarasua however declined to name
who had given him orders. Sarasua was then persistent on dispersing the
crowd and to dismantle their makeshift tents.

"Wala kayong karapatan para paalisin kami sir. Legal ang ginagawa
namin. Kayo ang nanggugulo hindi kami (Sir, you have no right to
disperse us. This is our right. You are the one whose creating the
trouble)", one of protesters told the defiant Sarasua.

The workers were at the time holding picket and gathered peacefully
when the police and guard started to assault them. The tension and near
further violent confrontation was later prevented when Sarasua ordered
the police and guards to withdrew.

The police and guard's action was completely illegal and contrary to
the implementing rules of strike requiring them to position themselves
at least 50 meters from the crowd. During the incident, around 40
policemen and guards were seen carrying short firearms, had their
nameplates intentionally covered, harassing and intimidating the crowd.
Other troop members were even seen beside the worker's throng.

One of the policemen even harassed and intimidated one of the workers
after she had his picture taken which was only for documentation. The
angry policemen yelled at the workers as he closed-in into their throng
questioning them as to why they're taking his photos without his

This incident is the latest abusive acts and excessive use of force by
the PEZA police and Jantro guards. It can be recalled that early in
January, a 3-month pregnant woman had a miscarriage days after she was
violently dispersed. Two of his companions too have suffered serious
injuries after they were brutally beaten following dispersal. All of
them are workers at the Chunji International Philippines Inc. (CIPI).

The use of excessive force had long become the constant practice by
PEZA police and Jantro Security guards in dealing with the workers on
protest inside the Cavite Export Processing Zone (CEPZ). Despite this
serious allegation of abuses, however, none of them were imposed with
sanctions or punished.

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