A press release by the Workers' Assistance Center (WAC)
PEZA police imposed food blockade on workers on strike
Workers on strike faces threats of hunger as police and security guards
drastically imposed blockade of food supplies to the workers' picket
line inside the compound of the Cavite Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) in
Rosario, Cavite.
Following a failed attempt to violently disperse workers on strike, the
elements of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) police and
Jantro security guards have now built a blocking point to prevent entry
of food and isolate the picket line of Chong Won Fashion Inc. (CWFI)
workers. At least 70 union members are now holed-up at the picket line.
They blocked the two corners of the road heading to picket line.
It is reported that the striking workers who went out of the picket
line to get food supplies were already prevented from going back. Not
only food supplies are being prevented, but also water and clothing
supplies as basic needs for workers on strike. The PEZA police and
guards also seized some of identification passes (ID pass) of striking
workers to deny them entry to CEPZ.
"Hindi lang nila kami binugbog, gugutomin pa nila kami (Not only they
hit us, they want us to get hungry)", said one of the union's
officers Flory Arevalo.
Not only the PEZA police and guards attacked the workers, the
management has also urged the scabs to fight and attack the strikers
instead. They also urged them to take defense weapons. The workers on
strike condemn the PEZA authorities to prevent this violence.
Arevalo strongly condemns the national office of the PEZA authorities
that may have given orders to such illegal acts of their police force
in the field. She said that the inaction and failure of the PEZ
authorities to prevent it indirectly tolerates the acts itself. The
picket line is legal and the workers' demands are legitimate but the
police and guards are resorting to illegal means of blockade, which is
violating rules and guidelines on strike.
It can recalled that the union members went on strike due to the
continued refusal of their management to commence negotiation for their
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) despite a final decision by the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
The workers likewise hit Wal-Mart, the biggest retail store in the US
who is also the principal contractor of the factory. Instead of
effectively intervening into the labor conflict, a Wal-Mart
representative here tried to washes off responsibility saying the
conflict is "at all not their business".
On September 25, at least ten workers on strike were injured when the
striking workers were violently dispersed as they began their strike in
front of the factory. Two of the victims, Solomon Noceda and Benigno
Terante, suffered injuries on their heads and their body. Terante had
his hands bled and fainted during the scuffle.