Book Review: The Interrogator by Glenn L. Carle

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Dick McManus

Oct 23, 2011, 8:57:39 PM10/23/11
to Veterans and Military Families Caucus
Book Review: The Interrogator by Glenn L. Carle

What I find so disturbing about this book is what appears to be an
organized campaign by the CIA to discredit Glenn Carle.

Carle says since his book was published in June, he has been the
subject of a "whispering campaign," where "unnamed anonymous
representatives and supporters of [torture] and defenders of them will
speak to significant members of the media and say, 'You shouldn't take
a chance on [reporting] his story because you don't want to damage
your access to useful sources."

"That's had some effect on my ability to get this story out," Carle
said, without citing the media outlets that were allegedly contacted.
"The effort clearly has been, and I have heard this from multiple
sources, to keep me from having access to the major media networks and
newspapers and magazines. It has worked. I have not been able to share
my story on a major network."

On this Truthout website you can listen to former CIA officer Glenn
Carle describe how he was requested by the CIA’s Assistant Deputy
Director of (Clandestine) Operations, Rob Richer to assist in an
interrogation of an alleged Al Qaida suspect that the CIA had
kidnapped from a Middle East nation. Glenn Carle who was working at
CIA headquarters was needed for this interrogation because he spoke
French. After agreeing to this mission, an assistant to Rob Richer
from the CIA’s Counter Terrorism Section continued to brief CIA
officer Carle about the mission he would to begin in a few days. This
un-named CIA office told Carle that Carle would was required to do
"whatever it takes to get this man (detainee) to talk" and Carle says
he understood this to mean the use of torture. This made Carle upset
and he began to question this un-named CIA officer about the legality
of torture, who whereupon became hostile and said “Which flag do you

You need to listen to the U-tube video of Carle describing this
conversation in his own words.

For more see at:

HONOR, duty, Country

Dick McManus for Congress, D-WA
Democrat, Everett, WA
Counterintelligence special agent, US Army, retired

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