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Missed the foxhunt? Worry not!

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Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club

Nov 11, 2024, 9:57:44 AM11/11/24
to Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club
Hi all,

Big thanks to the club members that came to help put up a 160 meter antenna at my QTH! It tuned up pretty well and I'm hoping to do a real test some time soon. Shoutout to KC1UYC, K1SCE, K1LOZ, K1MZM, KI1P, and Doug Becker, who is very appreciative of the shared knowledge and is looking to get licensed!

We didn't have anyone find the fox this weekend, so I'd like to start a new tradition with foxhunts: If there are no finders the first weekend, we will re-host the hunt the very next weekend with the fox hidden in the exact same location.
Thus, we will be having another hunt next Saturday November 16th at 10am. Still in Washington county, and on 146.565MHz. The battery in the transmitter lasts 24 hours, so the fox will be up until Sunday morning 11/17. I may add another battery to extend the life into Sunday evening, but just know that it will be on for at least 24 hours.

-Patrick, KC1DPM
CVARC Treasurer and W1BD Trustee

Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club

Nov 11, 2024, 2:56:17 PM11/11/24
to Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club
Forgot to add this - Here's an archived link to our website page, which details rules and tips for the hunt.
Of course, you can always reply to this thread with any questions you might have. That way we all learn something!


Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club

Nov 14, 2024, 2:49:29 PM11/14/24
to Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club
Hey folks,

Just another reminder that the foxhunt is this Saturday at 10!


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