Point to Point thanks

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Patrick Schlott

Sep 25, 2023, 12:01:34 PM9/25/23
to Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to take the time to thank all of our course operators that assisted with communications during the Point to Point ride this weekend. VSECU was very happy to have us and appreciates the valuable service we bring to this event. All riders completed the course and save for a few flat tires, there were no injuries or major incidents. 
Great job, all! In particular I'd like to thank:
Chris KI1P - net control station
Curtis KC1JST - Worcester
Dev KZ1Y - Elmore
Jon KC1PMJ - Albany
Mike W1PTT - Glover
Oliver KB1FLG - Hardwick
Fred KC2ALI - SAG wagon, 60 mile
John K4TSU - SAG wagon driver and radio op., 30 mile

And just a reminder that our monthly club meeting will be next Wednesday, October 4th at 6pm. Location TBA. See you there!

Patrick Schlott
CVARC Treasurer & Trustee

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