CVARC’s busy season is upon us! We have a few events coming up soon.
August 31st - Labor Day race in Northfield. Lasts about an hour and a half, starts at 9am.
Wednesday September 4th - repeater site cleanup, meet at Pump and Pantry in Williamstown at 6pm. Trip to site and mowing/weedwhacking/brush hogging usually takes us til about 8-8:30pm. Rain date of Thursday 9/5. We’ll need a few folks willing to bring mowers, string trimmers, and a small chainsaw. Brush hog would be nice but not 100% necessary.
Saturday September 7th - Groton Forest Trail Run. Lasts from 7am til 3pm usually, certain aid stations finish by noon.
Please reach out if you can assist with any of these! I will send out a signup spreadsheet this week.