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April Meeting

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Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club

Apr 1, 2024, 9:13:29 AM4/1/24
to Central Vermont Amateur Radio Club
Good Morning, CVARC,

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024,  at 6:00 pm we will have our monthly meeting. We will be meeting at Carrier Roasting Company (17 East Street) - next door to Good Measure Brewing - in Northfield. Carrier will not be open for business, but you can enter through Good Measure. You are welcome to order food from Good Measure, but it is not required.

This month, we will finalize field day plans. Chris, KI1P, will give an overview of other events and contests that are coming up. This last month got away from me. A ballot for voting for club officers will go out this month.

Please keep an eye on the weather and your email. There is the possibility of another winter storm on Wednesday with significant snow accumulations. If we cancel the meeting, it will be sent out through the Google group.

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