HAM-CON, the ARRL Vermont State Convention will be Saturday, February 24 at
8AM at the
Hampton Inn Convention Center, Colchester, Vermont.
Please join us for the 44th annual running of this event.
Full details are at
HAM-CON will continue to be a hybrid event. If you cannot travel to
HAM-CON, you can watch and take part in all of the forum activities on line.
The HAM-CON advanced sale site is up.
Advance tickets are $7 General and On-Line Admission, or $14 Early and
Vendor Admission.
The advance sale tickets close February 15.
At the door these prices go up to $12 General or $18 Early
We also have on-line booking at the convention rate ($139) at the Hampton
Inn. Pass this along to your friends who would like to stay over.
Convention rates will end February 5.
Advance sale tickets can be purchased on
PayPal or at the door.
We will have a forum program consisting of 8 forums and events throughout
the morning.
The flea market will start up at 6AM. If you plan to sell, arrive before 8AM.
The W1V Special Event Station will be on the air throughout the Convention.
We will have other activities such as the Tech Table, Card Checking and VE
If you would like to present a forum or know someone who is willing, please
let me know as we are always looking for varied speakers and activities.
Note that many other ham radio shows across the country have closed down.
As you know, expense for everything is sky high, and it is very difficult
to keep the smaller
ham radio shows viable. In other words, please attend and bring your
buddies with you!
Questions about the show - Go here!
Make your plans to join us on February 24!
Mitch W1SJ