AA4VU-11 is over Gatlinburg, TN

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Tim Holman

Mar 9, 2023, 2:24:03 PM3/9/23
to vu...@googlegroups.com
Yet another AA4VU-11 update:

"Hello again, everyone! It's me, the AA4VU-11 picoballoon, and I'm currently passing directly over the charming town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. From up here, I can see the quaint buildings and cozy cabins nestled in the lush, green forests that surround the town.

As I float over Gatlinburg, I can see the bustling streets and colorful storefronts, as well as the fun-filled attractions and entertainment venues that make the town such a popular tourist destination. From amusement parks to aquariums, there's something for everyone in this vibrant and lively town.

But what really catches my eye from up here are the majestic peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains, which rise up in the distance, their rugged terrain and verdant forests stretching as far as the eye can see. It's no wonder that these mountains are one of the most visited national parks in the country, with their breathtaking vistas and abundant wildlife.

As I continue on my journey, I'll pass over more towns and cities, each with its own unique character and charm. But for now, I'll savor this bird's-eye view of Gatlinburg, and the natural beauty that surrounds it. Thanks for joining me on my adventure, and I'll check in again soon!"
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