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Morey - what a great sight!

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Matt Steinberg

Mar 31, 2023, 10:28:46 AM3/31/23
to NHNordicSkating, VTNordicskating
I will keep this short as I know most folks are now thinking of cycling, kayaking, and the beach. The fact that after the challenging winter that a lot of areas had we could manage to get 14 skaters up early and out on Lake Morey on March 31 was amazing. I stood for a moment and watched everyone pass with the rising sun behind them reflecting off the ice and it was quite a heartwarming sight. Call me sentimental, hyperbolic, whatever but this morning was one  of those moments that makes me proud and privileged to be part of this sport and community. This may be the end for lower elevation central lakes and likely most people have put their skates away. Thanks to everyone for making this a great season. To those of us pressing on, maybe I will see you on Mempramagog, Rangeley, or Moosehead in the next week or two.  I have to find 10 more miles somewhere to reach my 1000 miles on wild ice goal for the season 

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