Skated North from the boat ramp on West shore hugged the edge, poking repeatedly finding not much I could poke through. Hugged the rubble band and avoided Frozen slush snow across to East side. Poked repeatedly did poke through on four tries at one spot in mid crossing. A strong north wind blew off the diamond dust snow cover as I skated down east edge. Variety of gray ice and pretty black ice was revealed as snow flew away. Again hug the rubble band edge in Southern end back to West edge. Skated North poking as I went, past the water inlet by boat launch and into the little cove by ramp. Let down my guard as I approached ramp stopped poking and fell through the ice. Regrouped, calm down, and headed for shore, approximately 50 ft. Deployed my pics and had a good grip, but ice was breaking as I went. Then realize should have headed out of the direction the way I came in, made the choice to keep going forward as shore was not far. After about 15-20 ft, I realized I could touch bottom and calm down and did a pick,kick,seal slide thing back onto the ice.I slithered closer to shore,took off blades,got up and walked hugging edge about 100 ft to the boat ramp. Was greeted by two men from Lake Morey inn who had seen what happened and came with a rope to help. I was glad I did it myself. Was in water probably 5:00 to 8 minutes. What I did wrong, stop ice testing at very end of a successful skate, when my finish point was just a stone's throw away. What I did right. Had pics, a complete dry bag and foam skating pants to keep me floating easy while I tried to get back on ice. Chose to drive home 15 minutes in wet clothes, really did not get too cold and had very little shivering. My poles are still in the water where I swam, but they are floating and I hope to recover them very soon. Another good thing is my key fob was in waterproof bag and still works, as does my cell phone also double zip lock bagged. Happy skating adventures to everybody, Sarah.