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Lake Morey (Fairlee, VT) today

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Dr Jo

Mar 29, 2023, 8:17:24 PM3/29/23
to vtnordicskating@googlegroups com, nhnordicskating@googlegroups com

Wonderful skating on a bluebird morning.  A rotating cast of 8 skaters enjoyed delightful conditions across the entire lake. 

Recent conditions smoothed the ice considerably.  Thick snow ice, largely uniform and still inches thick, orange peel surface, solidified well in last night's cold temps.  Caution re thin ice at the edges, around the deer carcass, obvious open water areas, and skimmed-over drain holes. 

With the stronger March sun and no wind, the more porous ice degraded to unskateable around 10 a.m. at  ~34 f. 

Easy to get on at the F&W boat ramp.  More tracked up (ATV & feet) at the far north end. 

May be skateable early on Thurs & Friday mornings.  Tonight's uncertain forecast predicts some overnight rain, may be followed by some snow, then renewed cold.  If the surface is still good, fairly strong winds tomorrow (12-14 with higher gusts) will have you earning that great downwind run.


Matt Steinberg

Mar 29, 2023, 10:40:25 PM3/29/23
to Dr Jo, vtnordicskating@googlegroups com, nhnordicskating@googlegroups com
This was perhaps the best ice I have skated on at Morey in the last 2 years. Wonderfully smooth in long stretches and at worst, nice orange peel. I plan on being back tomorrow from around 7 to 930 unless the weather throws a nasty curve ball overnight.


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