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Lake Morey

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Matt Steinberg

Feb 1, 2024, 11:53:58 AM2/1/24
to NHNordicSkating, VTNordicskating
Good Morning Everyone,

Lake Morey is in pretty darn good shape. There is no marked or maintained trail per se as the surface is snow free but the resort seemed to paint lines around a "trail." It looks like they picked the bumpiest areas to guide you through. Ignore that, take all your safety gear with you of course,  and get on the 2 large sections of smooth-ish dark grey ice in the middle. I could not poke through them, nice and solid. It is orange peel at worst and silky smooth at best. Basically the whole lake is skateable. There were a few open areas, easily seen by inlets and one healed pressure ridge that has 1 poke ice running through the center of it but can be easily stepped over, just poke it before you cross. I did not find any shell ice or other trip hazards. The white ice on the outer periphery is bumpy but skateable. I will.probably be back there early tomorrow morning.


Matt Steinberg

Feb 2, 2024, 10:05:45 AM2/2/24
to NHNordicSkating, VTNordicskating
Good Morning Everyone,

I skated at Lake Morey today and the conditions are still pretty good. Unlike yesterday however, there is a light dusting of snow covering the lake. This has created a few hazards I wanted to point out, especially since it seems they are "opening to the public '' today. The resort has been painting blue lines for people to follow which were covered by snow so they were out with a leaf blower clearing the blue line path for people to follow. There is also a small pressure ridge in the southwest corner of the lake that they marked in yellow with X's painted on the ice. What I did want to point out however is the annual pressure ridge that forms on the north end of the lake just south of the area where the big white house with the blue roof is. This is extending across almost the whole length and this morning was obscured by snow. It has a line of snow marking it that looks like a healed crack but was where the snow collected against the little bit of ice that remained rafted after the pressure ridge collapsed. This is skimmed over 1 easy poke ice for the whole length of the ridge and is between 3 and 10  feet wide. On the far western end, it peters out by where the fisherman are set up and can be skated around. Someone who does not know what they are looking at could easily skate onto and fall through this. I informed the resort and they said people need to follow their blue line and if they don't then that is not their problem. I have attached a pic and my screenshot with this area marked in red. Luckily it is starting to wet out so it is easier to see and I imagine it will get active with the warm temps. Also, the snow ice was starting to soften a bit when I left. Be safe out there.

Kathy Jones

Feb 3, 2024, 12:07:29 PM2/3/24
to NHNordicSkating, VTNordicskating, Kathy Jones, Matt Steinberg
Skated lake Morey this morning. North wind ~ 5mph, no snow on the surface and as Matt said the middle of the lake has the best ice. Worth heading to if you're in the area.
Drove by Post Pond in Lyme on my way there and the ice looked good from the road. Planning on checking it out tomorrow.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 10:05 AM Matt Steinberg <> wrote:
Good Morning Everyone,

I skated at Lake Morey today and the conditions are still pretty good. Unlike yesterday however, there is a light dusting of snow covering the lake. This has created a few hazards I wanted to point out, especially since it seems they are "opening to the public '' today. The resort has been painting blue lines for people to follow which were covered by snow so they were out with a leaf blower clearing the blue line path for people to follow. There is also a small pressure ridge in the southwest corner of the lake that they marked in yellow with X's painted on the ice. What I did want to point out however is the annual pressure ridge that forms on the north end of the lake just south of the area where the big white house with the blue roof is. This is extending across almost the whole length and this morning was obscured by snow. It has a line of snow marking it that looks like a healed crack but was where the snow collected against the little bit of ice that remained rafted after the pressure ridge collapsed. This is skimmed over 1 easy poke ice for the whole length of the ridge and is between 3 and 10  feet wide. On the far western end, it peters out by where the fisherman are set up and can be skated around. Someone who does not know what they are looking at could easily skate onto and fall through this. I informed the resort and they said people need to follow their blue line and if they don't then that is not their problem. I have attached a pic and my screenshot with this area marked in red. Luckily it is starting to wet out so it is easier to see and I imagine it will get active with the warm temps. Also, the snow ice was starting to soften a bit when I left. Be safe out there.

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Matt Steinberg

Feb 9, 2024, 9:57:33 AM2/9/24
to NHNordicSkating, VTNordicskating
I went for a short pre-work stake on Morey this am. The area in front of the resort is a bit bumpy but the grey ice was still firm. The old black plate in the center is still nice, mostly orange peel texture but some smoother spots. The old pressure ridge from last week toward the north is healed but I would still check it before crossing and not just blindly skate over as I did not check the whole thing. Beyond that, at the constriction further north there is a new, messy pressure ridge that is wet with lots of loosely frozen or floating polygons. Be careful here but there is really no need to cross this. It looked bumpy to the north of it. There is a mix of bumps and smooth sections on the grey ice but it should start softening soon, especially if we get any sun at all. You can easily loop about a mile and a half on the good, old black plate. Two things to just be aware of. Hockey skates cut deeply into the soft ice yesterday afternoon and left some skate grabbers here and there and there are some small width dry cracks that can catch blades, one caught mine. These have not been such a worry on the mostly new, thin ice we have been skating this year, so put these back on your radar again. Have fun today.
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