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looking ahead to the off-season: a question

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Robert O'Brien

Mar 3, 2024, 9:14:56 AM3/3/24
to VTNordicskating
Hi All,

This is a bit off-topic, so apologies in advance. I have been looking at inline skate marathons that I might want to train for this spring/summer

Thus far I have found:
The NYC skate marathon Sept 28th link
The Berlin marathon also Sept 28th link
Northshore inline marathon (Duluth MN) Sept 13th/14th link

Two questions: 
  1. Are there any other (ideally closer) inline marathons that I am missing?
  2. Has anyone participated in any of these? Is anyone planning to participate in any of these?

Tom Keane

Mar 3, 2024, 9:13:31 PM3/3/24
to Robert O'Brien, VTNordicskating


Hi Robert –


You could also consider A2A.  You get more skating for your travel dollar 😊


a2a-list mailing list

A2A Facebook Page:


I skated A2A 8 times.  Every time it was a great adventure.  When I did it, you really needed your own support person, to feed you at the rest stops. Not sure if that’s changed.

One of the super-cool things that skaters love about A2A is there was an ethos.  Two examples:  No cash prizes; Kept a database of all the miles and time over the years and celebrated those who skated the longest just as much as those that skated the fastest.  You can find that data on the results page.  under “DuraSkater Ranking” and “Endurance Ranking”   I can still find myself and it links to all my results.  No other event does that. 


Not sure how many NYC marathons I did.  6 or 8.  Starting in about 1992.  The 100K is the marquee event.  It was originally in Central Park, where it was 10 laps.  It got moved to Prospect Park in I think 1995.  There, it’s 19 laps.  Lotsa laps.


I never did Duluth, although teammates did.  It’s short and fast.  Short being 26.2 miles.   Just over an hour, the top guys might have even broken an hour.  

Although I see this offer on the site now, as a way to get a little more skating in.. albeit broken up by a bus ride: 


Combined NorthShore Inline.  39.3 Miles | point-to-point.  Do you have what it takes to skate 39.3 miles in one morning? For the Combined 39.3 Miles, skaters race the half marathon, hop on the bus for a short rest, and then race the full marathon to compete for the fastest combined time.


I also haven’t done Berlin, although that would be a fun trip, if one could make a week of it.


Best regards,

Tom Keane

Somerville, MA

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Robert O'Brien

Mar 4, 2024, 8:25:14 AM3/4/24
to VTNordicskating
Thanks for the information Tom! I'll add it to my list of possibilities. 87 miles is daunting, but it does sound like a fun event! It also helps that there are direct flights from BTV to Atlanta, so that makes it attractive. Berlin would be fun, but you're right, I think it would have to be done in the context of a larger trip.

Robert O'Brien

Mar 4, 2024, 9:06:53 AM3/4/24
to VTNordicskating
Hi everyone,

I did find one small event in Montreal:

It is June 29th and appears to be a very small course. I can't do it due to conflicts in my schedule, but it may be interesting to some in this community.


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