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Skating in the Laurentides, Quebec

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Marc Heinzer

Mar 2, 2024, 10:39:45 PM3/2/24
to VTNordicskating

I was in the Laurentides (Mont Tremblant) with my family for a week of snowboarding. A 3 ½ hour drive from Burlington. On Wednesday, the rain came and temperature went above freezing (52F). The 1 ½” of snow turned into ice after the temperature dropped overnight (-6). It stayed cold for another 36 hours.

I was able to skate for 2 days on Lac-Supérieur and today on Lac Tremblant. There are many lakes Laurentides. I think, with the right weather ice and condition, the Laurentides could be a worthwhile multi day trip to explore wild skating there. In particular, before we have ice in Vermont or after the ice is gone here.

On Lac-Supérieur the ice was about 12” think. On lake Lac Tremblant between 6” to 8”. The surface was a little bumpy. Not rough enough to cause any falls and a skateble orange peel. But worthwhile to skate on it.

Lac Superior 4.jpeg
Lac Superior 2.jpeg
Lac Superior 3.jpeg
Lac Tremblant Middle West Shore.jpeg
Lac Tremblant North End.jpeg
Lac Superior 1.jpeg
Lac Tremblant.jpeg
Lac Superior.jpeg
Lac Tremblant SouthEnd.jpeg
Lac Tremblant North End Island.jpeg
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Lac Tremblant North East Shore.jpeg
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